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Desktop App For Windows v 3.20.1 - Co-edit Session Improvements

External Release Notes: Desktop App for Windows v 3.20.1 (October 29th, 2024)

New Features and Improvements

Improved Microsoft Office Co-Edit Session Notifications

We’ve made improvements to our co-edit session notifications in Microsoft Office scenarios. The Desktop App will now provide more detailed and helpful notifications when a co-edit session fails to start as expected. These notifications will help users by:

  • Informing them when a co-edit session has not started as it should
  • Providing insights into the root cause of the issue, helping users quickly identify and resolve the problem

These improvements aim to enhance the user experience by offering clearer communication and troubleshooting guidance during co-edit sessions.

Added Cloud Data Removal Option For Connected Folders In CLI

Updated the command-line interface (CLI) to allow users to remove cloud data when disconnecting a connected folder. Previously, the CLI would only remove the local folder, while the UI provided an option to also remove the cloud data. Now, with the addition of the -d parameter, users can choose to remove the corresponding cloud data when disconnecting a local folder.

Added And Improved Application Versioning Support

We have expanded and improved versioning support in the Desktop App to include several key applications, ensuring reliable version control and seamless integration:

  • Mathcad: Full support for .xmcd files, ensuring correct versioning functionality
  • ZWCad (zwcad.exe): Added support for DWG file versioning
  • CadMate (gcad.exe): Added support for DWG file versioning
  • CADian: Versioning support for .bakk files, ensuring smooth handling of versioned files
  • ArcGIS: Enhanced versioning support to include compatibility with the qgis-ltr-bin.exe binary

Added Support For InDesign Temporary Recovery Files

Added support for InDesign Temporary Recovery Files, ensuring that temporary files created during the recovery process are correctly managed and versioned, improving reliability in case of unexpected interruptions.


Issues Addressed

Desktop App Upgrade Issues

Fixed an issue that caused the desktop app to launch prematurely before the upgrade process was fully completed. Detected in version 3.20.0, this issue has been resolved in this update, ensuring a smoother upgrade experience.

Fix for Open Links in Desktop App for Custom Domains

Resolved an issue affecting drives added before version 3.17.1, where the Open Links Directly in Desktop App feature did not function properly for domains using a Custom Access URL.

Improved Scaling for Share Link Window in Desktop App

With Windows text scaling set to 150% or higher, the Share Link window did not scale properly. The Desktop App now accurately adjusts to these settings.

Performance Improvements

Implemented performance fixes to address slowness issues observed since version 3.14.12. These improvements help resolve performance concerns with several applications, including:

  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks
  • Adobe InDesign

The Egnyte Desktop App’s overall performance when working with these applications should now be noticeably improved, ensuring a smoother experience and mitigating intermittent slowness issues.

Microsoft Project File Issues

Fixed multiple critical issues with Microsoft Project files, including:

  • Intermittent data corruption
  • Disappearing file names
  • Files being truncated

These fixes should result in improved stability and reliability when working with Microsoft Project files within the Desktop App.

Fixed An Issue With Skipped File Uploads And File Conflicts In Connected Or Offline Folders

Resolved an issue where some files in connected or offline folders were skipped and not uploaded, showing a generic “Contact Support” error or creating file conflicts. These issues were caused by specific sequences of local file or folder operations. The upload process now handles these scenarios correctly, ensuring files are uploaded as expected.

Resolved Display Issue With Ask A Document Feature On High DPI Displays

There was an issue where the Ask a Document UI window would stretch from top to bottom, preventing users from seeing the top and bottom parts of the window. This occurred on high DPI displays with 150% scaling, where the application incorrectly calculated the height as 70% of the actual screen height instead of the scaled height. The window now displays correctly, allowing full visibility of all features without manual resizing.


Known Issues And Limitations

No new limitations have been discovered.

Please refer to this article for the list of known limitations.

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