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AI-Driven Document Summarization & Document Q&A


AI-Driven Document Summarization

Egnyte’s AI-driven document summarization feature synthesizes the content using industry-leading large language models (LLMs). These models will recognize and generate the summary based on the information within the document. 

To retrieve the document summary, open any of the supported files for preview and click on the Summarize this document option under Ask. 

Ask - summarize this document.png

The document summary will be presented to the user. 

Ask - summary generated.png

Users can copy the text and provide feedback on the summary by using the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons at the bottom of the generated summary. 

Ask - give feedback.png

This feature is available on all Platform plans.

AI-Driven Document Q&A

Document Q&A (aka ‘Ask’) feature allows the users to ask questions about a document, using either a chatbot-style interface or from a list of suggested questions. The answers are synthesized using industry-leading large language models (LLMs).

For users that have access to this feature, both the summarization and the Q&A are combined into a single Ask tab. To utilize this feature, click on the Ask tab in the document preview pane.

At this point, the users can click on the displayed buttons to generate a summary of the document, or view suggested questions. The user can also type their questions in the chat box at the bottom.

Ask - ask the document.png

Ask - use suggestions.png

Users can provide feedback on whether the answers are helpful by clicking on the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Data Confidentiality Assured while Generating AI-Driven Summaries?

Egnyte remains committed to the confidentiality of the user's data. The inputs, summaries, and


  • Are not available to other customers,
  • Are not used to improve third-party models, or any third-party products or services,
  • Are not stored by third-party models
  • Are not accessible by or visible to Egnyte employees

In addition, all generated summaries can only be accessed by users on the domain that have permission to view the original documents.

For more details on Egnyte's Privacy policy, click here.

Is it possible to opt out of these AI features?

Yes. An admin user can turn off these features by navigating to the ‘Settings -> Configuration’ page and then setting the ‘AI-Powered features’ toggle to 'disabled'.

Ask - enable or disable Ask AI features.png

Turning the toggle off will turn off both the Document Summarization as well as the Document Q&A features (if available in the plan and on the domain). It is not possible to enable/disable individual features.

What Types of Files Can Be Summarized by the Ask Feature?

The following file categories, extensions, and sizes are supported.

File Category File Extension File Size Limit (MB)
Document "doc", "docx", "docm", "odt", "dotm", "docb" 20
Spreadsheet "xls", "xlsx", "xlsm", "ods", "xlt", "xlm", "xltx", "xltm", "xlsb", "xla", "xlam", "xll", "xlw" 20
Presentation "ppt", "pptx", "pptm", "odp", "pot", "pps", "potx", "potm", "ppam", "ppsx", "ppsm", "sldx", "sldm" 20
Plain Text "htm", "html", "txt", "rtf", "xml", "pages", "numbers", "key", "msg", “eml”, "tsv", "xhtml", "csv", "dot", "wbk", "ps", "epub", "mbox", "wpd", "wp6", "wp7" 20
GDrive "gdoc", "gsheet", "gslides" 20
PDF (text extraction) "pdf" 20
Image OCR "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "bmp", "jpx" 20
OCR Requeue (ocr) "pdf" 20
Construction "dwg" 100

Can Some Documents Be Excluded from Being Summarized?

No. The summarization feature will summarize all files when enabled. Individual files can not be excluded from summarization.

What Types of Files Can Be Summarized and Can Be Used for the Q&A Feature?

Any file where text can be extracted can be summarized, and can also be used for Q&A. This includes text documents, presentations, spreadsheets and PDF files.

Can a user Provide Feedback on these Features?

Yes, the user can provide feedback on the summary and all the responses generated by clicking on the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons that appear below every response generated by Ask AI. 

Do the Users Have Any Control Over the Length/Type/Format of the Summary that is Created?

Not at this time. Egnyte is looking at adding additional configuration tools for the users.

Are there any document size limitations for creating summaries?

A summary of a file can be generated for up to 90,000 characters.

Will the Summary always generate the same responses?

Responses are cached and reused. However, the cache can expire and there is a possibility that the generated responses have some variation

Are the generated summaries always accurate?

Like any AI feature, the AI-driven summary is not perfect. It can sometimes generate responses that are incorrect, or misleading. It's important to fact-check information and not rely solely on the responses for critical decisions.

How are the Summaries and Answers Stored, And Who Has Access To Them?

Summaries are cached in memory for performance and are only visible to users who have permission to view the underlying file.

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