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Project Folder Recommendations

Egnyte offers AI-powered Project Folder Recommendations feature enabling the users to identify and mark existing folders in Egnyte as a Project folders

There are many reasons for a user to mark a folder as a Project folder if needed in Egnyte, such as:

This feature is available to any plans that include the project folder capability including platform Enterprise Lite and Platform Enterprise plans, Life Sciences plans, GXP Plans, and customers having the Project Control Add-on. Please contact the Egnyte sales team to learn more.

Access Project Folder Recommendations

Contextual Entry Point

Project Recommendation contextually displays within a folder that Egnyte believes should be marked as a project.

Users can take the following actions by clicking on Project Recommendations:

  • Not a project - This will remove the project recommendation tag from the folder.
  • Mark as project - This will start the project conversion process and ask for project attributes, such as, Project Name and Project Status.
  • View all - This will show all Project folder recommendations that a user has permissions to view across the entire domain. In this workflow, a user can select multiple folders and mark them as a project or not a project in bulk.

Project Folder Recommendations - 1.png

Recommended Projects in Project Dashboard

  • Navigate to Dashboard -> Recommended projects
    Project Folder Recommendations - 2.png
  • Select the folder(s) to mark as project or not a project.
    Project Folder Recommendations - 3.png

- Egnyte scans the domain once a week, updating the Recommended projects with newly identified folders.
- Egnyte scans the “/Shared” folder path, and not Private folders.
- Project folder recommendations are available to users with permissions to mark a folder as a Project.

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