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How Do I Upload a File to the App?

Navigate to the folder you want to upload the file to. Tap + New in the bottom bar and select the type of item to upload. You can upload files from your phone or select 3rd party apps. You can even take a new photo, make a video, or scan documents right from the app.

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If you take a lot of photos for work, install the Auto-Photo Uploader widget on your home screen so you can quickly take and sync photos directly to Egnyte. If you don't have internet connection, we'll take care of pushing the pictures once it's restored.


How Do I Send Links from the App?

Tap the 3 dots next to the file or folder.


When the action menu appears at the bottom of the screen, tab the Share option. Choose who can access the file or folder and other link options.


You can also share Direct Links for folders from the mobile app with yourself or teammates. These links require the recipient to have the correct permissions since the link will open directly in Egnyte. To get a direct link, navigate to the folder and tap on the 3 dots next to it. Select Folder Details from the menu and copy the Direct Link to share with your colleagues.

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Does the App Sync Files to My Mobile Device?

The app does not automatically sync files to your mobile device (we don’t want to eat up your wireless data). However, it is possible to sync folders to your mobile device. Select Auto-update from the menu after tapping the 3 dots next to the desired folder. The folder content will be kept on your device and automatically updated with any changes.


You can also mark folders and files for offline access so you can continue to work even without a reliable internet connection. Tap the 3 dots next to the folder or file and select Mark Offline. A copy will be downloaded to your device and if you make changes to it when you don't have an internet connection, the changes will be synced to the cloud as soon as you re-establish the connection.


How Do I Access Files When I’m Offline?

First, you need to make the file locally available. Tap the 3 dots next to the folder or file and select Mark Offline. A green downloaded icon will appear next to the item. To access all of the files and folders marked for offline access, tap the Offline tab at the top of the app. From here, you can access the items, update them, or remove them from offline access.


How Do I Edit and Save Files Back to Egnyte?

Egnyte leverages third party apps to view and edit most file types. After your edit and save, simply hit back until you are back inside the Egnyte app. We will automatically sync the edits for you.

You can also edit and save files back to Egnyte, directly from Microsoft Office apps; click here to find out how.

I Got an Attachment in an Email. Can I Upload this to Egnyte?

Yes. Open the email and tap on the attachment icon. Then, pick the Open with Egnyte option from the pop-up that appears. Your next step will be to specify the folder where you want to upload.


Which File Types Does the App Support?

The Egnyte app is fully integrated with Android’s native file picker so you can easily
upload files of any type that are stored on your device.

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How Can I Notify my Colleagues About My New File Edits?

@Mention someone in a comment and they will be directly notified.

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What is the Difference Between Deleting the Local File and the Version in the Cloud?

Deleting the local version will only remove the file from your device; the file will still exist in the cloud.

How Do I Sign Out of the App?

Tap the 3 lines at the top left corner of the screen, and select Sign Out.


Can I Add Egnyte Notifications to Android's Notification Channels?

Yes! Make sure you've updated the Egnyte app and are running version 8.2 or higher. Learn more about Notification Channels.

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