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Egnyte Desktop App Language Support

How can I turn on language support on my domain? 

Please file a Support ticket requesting that this feature is activated for your domain, but ensure that your request states that you are okay with the limitations, as listed here. If you connect drives from multiple domains, you will need to activate language support for each connected domain. 

The Egnyte Connect's language dropdown will be hidden if language support is not turned on.

How can I change the displaying language of my Egnyte Connect?

Click on the gear Screen_Shot_2020-02-26_at_2.25.56_PM.pngicon (Settings) - Preferences - select a new language - Save Changes 


What languages are supported in the Egnyte Desktop App?

Languages Language code Desktop App Version
Polish pl_PL 3.7.0+ (Windows), 3.7.1+ (Mac) 
German de_DE 3.7.0+ (Windows), 3.7.1+ (Mac)
Russian ru_RU 3.7.0+ (Windows), 3.7.1+ (Mac)
Turkish tr_TR 3.7.0+ (Windows), 3.7.1+ (Mac)
Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN 3.7.0+ (Windows), 3.7.1+ (Mac)


How can I mass configure the default displaying language for my Egnyte Desktop App users?

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