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How to Contact Egnyte Support?

Have a question?  Need help? Our team of support specialists is available 24/7 to ensure your success with unwavering commitment. Whether that’s troubleshooting a configuration issue or helping customers with year-end auditing requirements. For more details, please visit the Egnyte Support Plans page.

Contact Support via Email   OR   Submit a Case Online

Egnyte Connect makes it easy to contact support and attach logs from within each product UI.

Desktop App

Storage Sync

Smart Cache


Egnyte Desktop App


1. Click on the Desktop App icon in the icon tray.

2. Click the Settings icon, select the Help tab, and click the Contact Support link.


The option to "Enable debug logging" is unchecked by default. This is an optional step to enable the setting but is recommended for troubleshooting an issue with the product and when being assisted by Egnyte Support.

3. Provide a description of your issue along with other information, add attachments like screenshot or recording of the issue, and click Send.

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 4.23.47 PM.png


1. Click on the Desktop App icon in the top bar.


2. Click the Settings icon, select the Help tab, and click the Contact Support link.


The option to "Enable debug logging" is unchecked by default. This is an optional step to enable the setting but is recommended for troubleshooting an issue with the product and when being assisted by Egnyte Support.

3. Fill out the Issue Description section with a description of your issue and how to reproduce it and enter the best contact number to reach you in the Contact Phone section. Click Send. If you have multiple domains, please include the domain that is experiencing the issue in the description.



Storage Sync

1. Open a browser window and navigate to http://<IP Address of Storage Sync Device>:8806.

2. Click the Contact Support tab, fill out the Message with a description of your issue and how to reproduce it, and click Send

Note: Make sure the Send logs box is checked.



Smart Cache

Send Logs Through UI

1. Open a browser window and navigate to http://<IP Address of Smart Cache Device>:8815.

2.  Login with the Admin User or service account credentials.

3. Click Contact Support at the top right corner.

Contact Support_1.png

4. Include any relevant information related to the issue and click Send.

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Send Logs Through Admin Console

1.  Access the console by logging in with the service account credentials.

2.  Select Option 2 from the menu.

3.  Enter the Admin User or service account credentials to send the logs.

Contact Support_3.png



1. Click on Help button on top right

2. Click the Contact Support towards the bottom to open the contact form. Fill in all the information and click submit. 



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