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Egnyte for Android v8.54 - AI Summarization

External Release Notes:  Android Mobile App v. 8.54 (October 07, 2024)

New Features And Enhancements

Ask Summarization

We are introducing Ask Summarization, an AI-powered tool designed to provide quick summaries of text documents directly within the app. This feature enables users to easily extract key points from their documents. Users can flag the response and provide additional feedback in case the response is not accurate. Additionally, the generated summary can be copied for further use.

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The Q&A feature is not available on Android as of now.

Egnyte Sign Enhancements 

We have enhanced the Egnyte Sign feature on Android, allowing users to fill the signature field by typing or uploading signatures from their photo gallery.

Android 8.54 RN 3.jpg    Android 8.54 RN 4.jpg

Additional Details And Resources

How to upgrade

To upgrade to the latest version of the Egnyte mobile app and take advantage of the latest enhancements, download the Egnyte Android App v. 8.54 from the Google Play Store


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