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Collaboration between Egnyte Users

Collaboration with other Egnyte users is quick and easy. Anyone with access to a file in Egnyte can easily collaborate with others by adding messages in the Comments tab. Users can use "@name" mentions to tag another Egnyte user, ensuring they receive a notification along with the message content and a link to the file. For the Egnyte mobile app on iOS or Android, users will receive instant push notifications when mentioned on a file.

Standard Users cannot use @name mentions to tag another Standard user.

Click here to watch a video demonstrating how users can collaborate in Egnyte.


Use Cases

File Discussions

Collaborators can be notified to provide input on a designated file. When the file is opened in the Web UI or any of the mobile apps, the relevant file and corresponding discussion can be easily referenced.

For WebUI:

For iOS:

Collaborate in Egnyte - Comments in iOS.png

For Android:
Collaborate in Egnyte - Comments in android.png

File Sharing

Quickly share a file with other Egnyte users on the domain who already have permission for the file. Mention them in a comment and the collaborators will receive an email and a push notification on their mobile device(s) (if enabled).

Collaboration between Egnyte Users 8.png 

ios notification.png        android notifications.png

Another way to share a file with Egnyte users who already have permissions is by sending a direct link. This link is available in the details tab when previewing the file and works on the Web UI, iOS devices, and Android devices.
Collaboration between Egnyte Users 11.png

  • The direct link is the URL address of the file within the Egnyte domain, ensuring continuous accessibility except in the following scenarios:
    • When the file/folder associated with the direct link is deleted. Note that deleting a version of the file does not impact the direct link.
    • When accessing the direct link, the recipient lacks permission to the source folder.
  • Moving or renaming a file/folder will not alter the direct link. Copying a file will generate a new direct link for the copy.


Request File Edits

Collaborators can be mentioned and instructed to edit a Microsoft Office file. The file can be opened in Office Online on a desktop or mobile device, and changes will automatically be saved back to Egnyte. For more information on the Microsoft integration with Egnyte, refer to this article on the Helpdesk. 

For WebUI:


For iOS:

edit file in IOS.png


For Android:

edit file in android.png



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