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FileZilla FTP Client (Windows & Mac)

This article provides instructions for configuring the FileZilla FTP client to work with Egnyte, adding filters, and more. For background information about uploading files using FTP and access to other FTP configuration guides, read this article

Exclusions: Refer to this article for unsupported characters and excluded file types that will not be synced.  



Add Filters

Change Default Remote Location


Firewall Recommendations 



To configure FileZilla for FTP access, it is necessary to enable FTP from settings in the Web UI. 



  1. Install FileZilla FTP V.3.38 or higher. You can find the download options here.

    If you already have FileZilla installed, go to Settings, select Updates, click the Run update check now... button to ensure you have an acceptable version installed.


  2. From the menu, go to File, then Site Manager, and click New Site.
  3. Enter the following information (dependent on the type of connection you're using) in the General tab and click OK.

    For FTP and FTPES Connections: FTP - File Transfer Protocol
    For SFTP Connections: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol

    Host: ftp-acme.egnyte.com (Replace acme with your Egnyte domain name)

    Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS

    This option will not appear when SFTP is selected for the protocol

    Logon Type: Normal
    User: jsmith$acme
    (Replace jsmith with your Egnyte username and acme with your Egnyte domain name. The $ character is a separator between your username and domain name.)

    If the FTP Client does not support $ symbol then you can use any of the following symbols: % # | @ &

    Password: Your Egnyte password.

    For SSO-authenticated users, it is necessary to create a non-SSO password for FTP. Instructions for this can be found here

  4. Go to the Transfer Settings tab and check the box next to Limit number of simultaneous connections
    Limit the maximum number of simultaneous connections to 6. When these connections go beyond 6, you may see a 550 Cannot Connect error.

  5. Click OK once completed.
  6. If you're using an SFTP connection, please skip ahead to step 8.

    Expand the FTP section and set the following:
    Transfer Mode to Passive
    Uncheck the box for Allow fall back to other transfer modes on failure
    Check the box for Send FTP keep-alive commands


  7. Expand the Transfers section and select File Types. Set the Default transfer type to Binary.


  8. From FileZilla's main menu, click Edit, then Settings. Then click Connection.

  9. Set the connection Timeout in seconds to 600 and Maximum number of retries to 2.


    If you are planning to use Storage Sync, you need to select the option to preserve timestamps of transferred files. You can do this from within the main toolbar of FileZilla. Click Transfers in the main toolbar of FileZilla, then Preserve timestamps of transferred files.

    Egnyte limits FTP/SFTP users to three concurrent transfers. You can change this setting in FileZilla in the Transfers setting page.

Add Filters

  1. To add filters, click View in the FileZilla menu and open the Directory listing filters.
  2. Click Edit filter rules.


  3. Create a new filter by selecting New and add filters to exclude filenames with characters not supported in Egnyte. For an updated list, refer to this article.
  4. Click OK once finished.


  5. Select Useless Explorer files, Temporary, Configuration files, and the custom filter you created for Egnyte unsupported characters.
  6. Click OK to enable these filters.


  7. To connect, click the icon shown below.

  8. Click Connect on the Site Manager window.


  9. Users can upload files once connected. Browse your local drive to upload from the Local Site window on the left. Drag the files to an appropriate folder in the Remote Site on the right (e.g. /Shared/Documents).

Change Default Remote Location

By default, users will be connected to the root folder(/Shared and /Private) in Egnyte. Follow these steps to change the default remote location:

  1. Open Site Manager and select the Egnyte site.
  2. Navigate to the Advanced tab
  3. Set Default remote directory.
  4. Click on OK

Filezilla - default remote location.png


For troubleshooting FTP/SFTP related issues, we recommend enabling logs.

  1. From FileZilla's main menu, click Edit and then Settings.
  2. Select Logging under the File editing section.
  3. Check the box next to Show timestamps in message log and Log to file
  4. Specify the location for the log file.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Restart FileZilla to apply these settings.


Firewall Recommendations

If your firewall has restrictions and blocks certain ports, you may need to allow the following outbound port(s)

  • FTP/FTPES: port (21)
  • SFTP/SSH: port (22)

Egnyte uses the following ports below for data transfer:

  • 10000 - 12000
  • 20000 - 22000
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