It's important to keep up-to-date on all of Egnyte's notifications, so you never miss out on important updates or changes to your account. Learn how to customize all of the Admin notification settings to suit your needs and the needs of your users.
Users can learn how to customize their folder notifications here.
Folder Notifications
Password and Email Change Notifications
Sync Notifications
Storage Consumption Notifications
Trash Purge Notifications
Folder Notifications
When an employee or business partner edits or uploads a file to a shared folder, Egnyte can notify all users with access to that folder of the changes. However, we offer highly granular controls for modifying how often you receive these types of notifications. For details on Administrator settings, visit Folder Notifications for Administrators.
The person that changed the file will not receive a notification.
Password and Email Change Notifications
If you're an Admin User and have purchased our Advanced Authentication feature, you can configure your Egnyte account to send notification emails to your users whenever their passwords are changed. Admins can also receive notifications whenever your users reset their passwords. These alerts can serve as useful red flags for suspicious activity. These notifications can be found by going under Settings, selecting the Configuration tab, choosing Security & Authentication, and scrolling down to the Password Controls section (shown below).
Sync Notifications
Sync Inactivity
With Sync Inactivity Notifications, Admins can receive email alerts when sync applications don’t successfully sync within a designated time period. This helps you monitor sync failures across the various Storage Sync products. To set up notifications, go to Settings, select the Configuration tab, choose Applications, and scroll down to the Sync section.
To receive email notifications, set the Notify me... switch to Enabled. A set of options will appear.
- Use the drop-downs to specify a time interval for inactivity after which you will receive an email.
- Use the check boxes to specify whether you want to receive inactivity notifications for Storage Sync Virtual Machines and Storage Sync for NETGEAR.
Sync inactivity notification emails will contain a list of sync failures that occurred in a certain period. It will also contain IP addresses and device names to help diagnose sync failures.
Storage Sync Alerts
Enabling Storage Sync alerts allows Admins to receive an alert when there are possible performance or storage issues with the Storage Syn device(s). It's highly recommended that you enable these notifications so you can take immediate action to resolve the issue.
Storage Consumption Notifications
Admins have several notification settings to help them better manage the trash contents and storage capacity on their file server.
First, you can monitor your account's overall storage consumption by configuring a notification email once you have consumed a certain percentage of your account's storage. By default, this alert will trigger when your account crosses 85% of your purchased storage. This setting can be found in the Settings, under the Configuration tab, and choose General.
If you are your account's Invoice Admin, you can monitor your storage consumption from the counter in the Plan Details page. Hovering your mouse over the storage counter will show what portion of your consumed storage is being used by files, trash, and back-up versions of files.
Private Folder Quota
Administrators can set up a notification for users that exceed a storage size limit within their Private Folder. When this setting is enabled, Admins will receive a weekly summary report with the top 15 users that have exceeded the quota. If a user exceeds the size limit, they will receive a daily notification in their browser until the issue is resolved.
Check out this article to learn more!
Trash Purge Notifications
Deleted files go to your trash can. After a certain number of days (30 is the default), files in the trash will be purged. To receive an email before files are purged, enable the option depicted below.