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3rd-Party Recipient-Specific File and Folder Links

When files and folders need to be shared with 3rd party individuals only, the newly enhanced specific recipient link security option can be utilised. 

Previously the recipient-specific link security choice only allowed domain users to be included as recipients. Now 3rd parties can be added to the recipient list via email address.

This feature is available for Platform Enterprise and Enterprise Lite customers only.

Enabling The 3rd-Party Recipient Option

To enable this ability, an administrator needs to change the following settings for the Egnyte domain. Go to Settings->General, then to the Sharing section and set the value of the Specific Recipients include parameter to "Any email recipient":

Enable 3rd party specific recipient option.png

Creating a 3rd-Party Recipient-Specific Link

To create a file link that only named recipients can access, choose the People you choose option and add email addresses to the list of recipients.

Creating 3rd party specific recipient link.png

Recipients will receive an email containing the link. Internal users can click on the link to access the shared file.

However, external users can initially access the file directly by clicking on the link in the email. From the second access onward, they will need a code to open the file. When an external user clicks on the link for the second time or later, an email with the access code will be sent to their email address. They can either enter the access code after opening the original link or click the link in the new email to access the file.



Revoking Access To Links To Recipient-Specific File Or Folder Links

Access to recipient-specific file or folder links can be revoked. To do so choose the Manage Access option from the link page.

This can be done for certain individuals or all recipients.
3rd party 3.png

Learn more about Recipient Specific Links by watching a Quick Tip on Egnyte University:  Recipient Specific Links

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