When you create a Content Lifecycle policy, the value you see in Matched Files is indicates the number of files under management for that policy.
For Draft Archival and Deletion policies, the value seen in Matched Files indicates the number of files under management for that policy, not the number of files affected by the policy once implemented. The Impact in the Next 30 Days value is the number of files that will be affected as soon as the policy is published.
For Active Archival and Deletion policies, the Impact in the Next 30 Days value is the number of files that will be affected in the near term.
For Retention policies, the value for Governed Files indicates the number of files under management for that policy, not the number of files under retention. The Retained Files value is the number of files that currently are under retention (or will be when the policy is published) and the post retention impact indicates if any files will be deleted or archived after the retention period ends, based on the policy configuration.
For more details about when the policy will actually take action on the files, view and export the list of files subject to the policy:
- Click on the number listed for the Matched Files to see all files covered by the poilcy
- Click on the number listed for Impact in the Next 30 Days to see all files that will be impacted by the policy within the next 30 days
- Click on the Post Retention Impact (for Retention policies) to see the files that will be acted on once retention expires
Additionally, click on the Download Icon under the Files by policy widget on the Content Lifecycle dashboard, and each file will have an expected trigger date value that shows when the policy will take action on each file.