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What if a Migration Job Hangs?


Any user of the Migration App.

How Do I Troubleshoot the Migration App if My Migration Status Appears to be Paused?

This can happen if the CMMAgent has aborted due to memory constraints on the host system. Download the Migration Report and look at the summary section to see if a migration command has aborted for any reason. 

Download the Migration Report from the Migration Dashboard by clicking on the three dots next the listing for the Migration Job.


You may also download the Migration Report from the Migration Details page by clicking on the link in the upper right corner of the page.


What Workarounds Can I Try?

  1. One workaround, is to delete the current migration job, then create a new migration job with the same source and destination paths.
  2. If the job is stuck in a running or stopping state, then you won’t be able to delete the current job. If this happens, you must deactivate and then reactivate the Agent. At this point, you may be able to recover the job, or try option 1 above.

Questions? Feature Requests? Other Feedback?

If you have feature suggestions or requests, feel free to submit them here, and make sure you mention Migration App in the text.

For more complex requests that would benefit from providing screen shots or other attachments, you may submit them to support@egnyte.com. Be sure to include Migration App in the email title. Our Support team will push your comments to the Product team for consideration.




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