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A Legal Hold retains content related to a legal matter, securing all files that meet the criteria specified within the hold configuration. Typically, legal holds occur when litigation is pending or anticipated, when the company is subject to a government investigation or internal audits, or when any other matter forces the company to hold on to their records. This article will walk through how to create a legal hold policy and make edits to existing legal holds.

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Create a Legal Hold Policy

Make Changes to a Legal Hold Policy

View Files Under a Legal Hold

Download Files Under a Legal Hold

Sharing Files Under a Legal Hold

Create a Legal Hold Policy

  1. From Secure and Govern, open the Legal Holds tab and select Add Legal Hold.
    LegalHolds -13.png
  2. Enter the Legal Hold Name, Description (optional), and Legal Matter.

  3. Select the Sources to be included in the legal hold.
    • For Egnyte sources, files will be held in place and retained so they cannot be purged from the system. Once the legal hold is over, the files will be left in place and the retention removed.
    • For M365 sources, files will be copied to the Shared/Legal Holds/<holdID> folder in the specified Egnyte domain and retained so they cannot be purged from the system. Updates to files will be synced once per day. Once the legal hold is over, the files will be moved to trash in the Egnyte domain and the retention removed. Files in M365 are never modified by a legal hold.  Copied files will count towards the overall storage limit on the Egnyte domain.
  4. Define the policy criteria for the legal hold:
    • Date range for the hold to be active for
    • Whether the hold should use ANY or ALL of the criteria that you select
      • When selecting ANY, a file will be placed under hold if it matches any of the criteria selected in any of the criteria categories.
      • When selecting ALL, a file will be placed under hold if it matches any value from each of the criteria categories. For example, if if the user has both custodians and folders specified, it must match at least one custodian and one selected folder. It does not need to match all custodians and all selected folders
    • Criteria
      • Custodians- Hold files accessed, modified or deleted by selected users
      • Folders - Files within selected folders will be subject to this legal hold.
      • Classification Policies - Files matching selected classification policies will be retained.
  5. Review the configuration and Publish or Cancel creation of the legal hold.

Make Changes to a Legal Hold Policy

  1. Open the Legal Holds tab, click the three dots next to the legal hold to be adjusted, and select the appropriate option from the drop-down.

    Reset Matches: Resets the matches for all the files currently covered by the legal hold policy Edit: Make changes to the existing legal hold policy
    Close: Release the files held in retention under the legal hold policy
    Delete: For an Open legal hold policy, it releases all documents held in retention and deletes the legal hold policy. For Closed policies, it will only delete the legal hold policy.

    LegalHolds -1.png

  2. If Edit is selected, click Edit Legal Hold once the changes have been made to apply them to the policy.

View Files Under a Legal Hold

  1. Open the Legal Holds tab, click the three dots next to the legal hold to be adjusted, and select Show results.

    LegalHolds -2.png

  2. From here, select Export File List to download a .xlsx file or click Show file to view the file in Connect.
    LegalHolds -6.png

Download Files Under a Legal Hold

  1. Open the Legal Holds tab, click the three dots next to the legal hold to be adjusted, and click Show results.

    LegalHolds -2.png

  2. Click the Download options button. The user will be presented with the options to Download Files or Create shared file location. Select Download Files.. They can also specify if they want to include all file versions and recreate the folder structure in the downloaded zip file. After selecting the options, click on Prepare Download.
    LH - Download files.png
    LH - Options when downloading files from results.png
  3. Once the download is ready, the user will receive a link to download the files in their email inbox.

    File downloads are limited to what can be included in a 1GB compressed (zip) file.

Sharing Files Under a Legal Hold

  1. Open the Legal Holds tab, click the three dots next to the legal hold to be adjusted, and click Show results.

    LegalHolds -2.png

  2. Click the Download options button, the user will be presented with the options to Download Files or Create shared file location. Select Create shared file location. The user will be given the option to choose any Egnyte domain that is connected to the S&G instance as a location to create the shared folder. Click Submit to start the process.

    LH - Share files.png

    Secure and Govern_Legal Hold_12.png

  3. The shared folder will be created under /Shared/Legal Holds.

    Secure and Govern_Legal Hold_13.png

Selecting the shared folder option will create a copy of all files under the legal hold and will increase the overall storage. Files will be deleted once the hold is closed or deleted.



The export limits currently applicable are as listed below: 

  • File list export - 1M rows (20 files with 50k rows per file)
  • Legal hold failure report - 1M rows (20 files with 50k rows per file)
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