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Enable Sync for Offline Access with the Desktop App

The Egnyte Desktop App includes a feature so users can sync selected folders for offline access, ensuring they can always access pertinent information. Admins can enable or disable the feature for Admins or Admins and Power Users on the domain.

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Sync for Offline Access Setting

Enable Feature for Specific Roles

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Sync for Offline Access Setting

To change this setting

  • Navigate to Settings -> Configuration -> Applications.
    EnableSyncforOfflineAccesswiththeDesktopApp -3.png
  • Scroll down to the Desktop section. Click the drop-down for Allow users to sync folders for offline access. Make the desired selection and click Save changes.
    EnableSyncforOfflineAccesswiththeDesktopApp -7.png

Within 15 minutes of enabling the feature, users with drives connected to the domain will have offline access.

If the feature is disabled, any local copies of synchronized folders on user’s machines will be removed, and users will no longer see the option to sync for offline access.

Enable Feature for Specific Roles

Sometimes admins may want to enable the feature for a subset of users in the organization. This can be done by following instructions in the sections below.

This feature is only available with Role-Based Administration.

Create or modify a role to include offline sync ability

Admins can create a new role with the offline sync capability enabled or they can modify to include this capability. 

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > User Types & Roles > Roles.
  2. Click on Add Role and enter a name for the role.
  3. Click Save.
    EnableSyncforOfflineAccesswiththeDesktopApp -2.png
  4. Click on the new role to access its settings. 
  5. Scroll to the Applications section in the new window.
  6. Enable users can sync folders for offline access with the Desktop App.
  7. Click Save.
    EnableSyncforOfflineAccesswiththeDesktopApp -5.png

Assigning the role

Single User

  1. Navigate to Settings > Users and Groups > Users.
  2. Select a user.
  3. Click Details.
  4. Navigate to Profile.
  5. Select the role for Offline Access in the drop down menu for Role.
  6. Click Save.

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Multiple Users

  1. Navigate to Settings > Users and Groups > Users
  2. Select multiple users
  3. Click Bulk user actions.
  4. Select Change role.
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  5. Choose the role with Offline Sync.
  6. Click Save.
    EnableSyncforOfflineAccesswiththeDesktopApp -4.png

Additional Resources

When the users are ready to start syncing folders for offline access, they can learn more here.

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