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Shared Migration Jobs Accessible To All Domain Admins

Shared migration jobs created by admins are accessible to all the other admins in the same domain. 

The feature is useful for scenarios wherein a job created by a user needs to be monitored or managed by other users. For instance, an IT Admin in an organization can create a migration job and the IT staff member can then either monitor, true-up or perform other actions on the migration job. 

Admins can easily filter the jobs to view the jobs created by themselves or by the other admins. 

  1. Navigate to the Migration Dashboard and view the migration jobs listed. 
  2. Click on the Created By filter which has two choices as Anyone (default) and Me
  3. Select the desired filter to view the self-created migration jobs or the ones created by anyone.  

Share Migration Job accessible to all admins.png

  • This feature can be enabled on request. Please contact Egnyte Support to get the feature enabled. 
  • If a migration job is created by a User A and is being monitored, managed, or updated by User B, the File Audit Report in the WebUI will have the logs in the name of User A. 
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