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On-Demand Archivals And Migrations Jobs

Egnyte provides its users the ability to view the details of on-demand archivals, migrations, and replication jobs in Secure & Govern. 

Additionally, there is error summary report, migration summary report, and replication summary report available respectively for each archival, migration, and replication job.

On-demand migration (only SPO (Share Point Online) content source ) and replication are available to a limited number of customers. These features can be enabled based on the customer requests. Please contact the Support team to get the features enabled.

On-Demand Archivals

The users can view the details of on-demand archivals from the Settings -> Content Lifecycle option in Secure & Govern. 

  • Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Settings -> Content Lifecycle.
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  • Scroll down to On-demand Archivals, Migrations & Replication Jobs. Archivals is the default tab selected. Name, Started (date, timeframe, and started by), and Status are the details available for each job. 
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  • Click on any of the jobs to view its details. 
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  • Job details appear with the name and status of the job at the top. Job type, Job ID, Started, Finished, Source, and shared content destination are the other details included. A progress bar with the progress percentage is displayed along with the event log. 
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  • For failed/cancelled/erroneous jobs, there is also an option to download the error summary report. On clicking the option, the report gets downloaded on the user’s system.
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A sample of the error summary report is included below.

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On-Demand Migrations (Limited Availability)

Egnyte provides its users with the ability to view the details of on-demand migrations and further drill down to see detailed accounts of the respective jobs. The users can also download the migration summary reports and finalize the migration job. 

  • Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Settings -> Content Lifecycle.
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  • Scroll down to On-demand Archivals, Migrations & Replication Jobs. Click on the Migrations tab. Name, Started (date, timeframe, and started by), Status, and True-up Schedule are the details available for each job. Click on any of the jobs to view its details. 
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Migration Job Details and Options

  • Migration job name and status appear at the top of the details page.
  • The users can click on Initiate True-Up button to initiate the true-up for the job
  • The details such as job type, job ID, total files migrated, started, finished, aggregated duration, source, destination, true-up schedule, true-ups completed, and sync deletion from source to destination are displayed.
  • Click on the option Download Migration Summary Report. The progress of the migration job is also displayed with a breakdown of each of the steps involved. There is a green check against the step as soon as it completes and details are auto-refreshed. The event log is also included.
  • The migration job finalizes in 120 days. To finalize the job sooner, click on the Finalize button.
  • Click on Finalize in the confirmation pop-up.
  • The user will be notified regarding the finalization of the migration job.

Migration Summary Report

A detailed migration summary report is available for each migration job in the details page. 

  • Click on Download Migration Summary Report and the report will be downloaded on the user's system. A sample of the report is included below. 
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The migration summary report gives a detailed account of the migration job along with details on exclusions, errors, and sanitization. 

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