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Auto-Remediation - Unused Group

Users have the ability to auto-remediate the Unused Group issues in Secure & Govern. Following are the steps listed to configure and enable auto-remediation rules for Unused Group issues.

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Analysis Rules.
    Auto-Remediation - Individual Permission Issues - 2.png
  2. Select the desired Issue Type as Unused Group.
    Auto-Remediation - Unused Group 2.png
  3. Click on Create an auto-remediation rule.
    Auto-Remediation - Individual Permission Issues - 8.png

  4. Enter Rule Name and Description. Select Next.
    Auto-Remediation - Individual Permission Issues - 10.png

  5. For Unused Group issues, only one criteria can be entered as Delegate to the selected user.
    Auto-Remediation - Unused Group 5.png
  6. Select Next.
    Auto-Remediation - Individual Permission Issues - 5.png

  7. Select whether or not to Apply this rule to previously detected issues that match the selected criteria and click Next.
    Auto-Remediation - Individual Permission Issues - 3.png
  8. Review the Rule Configuration. Click on Create.
    Auto-Remediation - Unused Group 8.png

    The Back button can be selected at any time to change the rule configuration prior to the rule being created.

  9. The Auto-Remediation Rule is created.
    Auto-Remediation - Individual Permission Issues - 4.png

Currently, only one auto-remediation rule can be created per issue type.

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