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Snapshot to Azure Blob Storage Creation


Egnyte offers the ability to admins to utilize the simple and intuitive UI in the cloud to create a snapshot of the Storage Sync. The article provides the step-by-step guide to do this using Egnyte’s Public Cloud Connector.

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  • Storage Sync VM should be deployed and configured on Azure.
  • Valid Subscription ID, Application ID, Password, and Tenant ID to deploy the device to Azure.
  • VM should be powered off first to create a snapshot successfully.

How To Get The Subscription ID, Application ID, Password, and Tenant ID?

  1. The logged in user should have the permission to deploy a device in Azure and access to the Storage Sync Virtual machine.
  2. Search for ‘Subscriptions’ and choose the Subscriptions Service.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 1 go to subscriptions.png
  3. Copy the Subscription ID. Save the ID for later steps.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 2 copy subscription id.png
  4. Click the Cloud Shell button on the home page of the Azure Portal.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 3 access cloud shell.png
  5. First-time users will be prompted to create a storage account. Click on Create Storage.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 4 create storage.png
  6. Select PowerShell and enter the following command.
    az ad sp create-for-rbac -n “<your_custom_name>” --role Contributor --scopes 
    Expected Output:
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 5 output on cloud shell.png
  7. Copy the appID, password, and tenant ID as these will be used in later steps.



  1. Log in to the Egnyte domain as an admin and open Public Cloud Connector from the App picker menu.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 6 app picker menu.png
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 7 select PCC from the list.png
  2. Click on Configure new cloud.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 8 configure new cloud 2.png
  3. Select Snapshot to Azure Blob Storage and click Continue.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 9 snapshot to azure blob storage.png
  4. Enter the configuration details:
    Configuration Name: Unique name to identify the installation
    Application Id, Password, Tenant ID: Enter these details that were obtained from the steps in the Prerequisites section
    Region: Select the Azure region where the Storage Sync VM is located
    Azure Resource Group Name: Enter the name of the Resource Group where the VM is located
    PCC Virtual Machine Name: Enter the name of the VM
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 10 enter the required information.png
  5. Click on Continue to view the configuration status and details. Contact support@egnyte.com if there are any errors.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 11 snapshot creation successful.png

    Steps 6 and onwards need to be performed on the MS Azure portal. Some of the screenshots might differ.

  6. Verify that the snapshot is created on Azure. Go to Resource Group where the VM is located, search Storage Account and click on appropriate storage.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 12 access the storage account.png
  7. Click Container → Container Name to verify that data from Storage Sync is synced to the storage account.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 13 click containers on the left.png
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 14 access the container.png
  8. All data files from /Egnyte directory will be available here.
    Snapshot to Azure Blob - 15 SS data within container.png

    Snapshot will contain /Egnyte/Shared and /Egnyte/Private directories if device is configured and the first sync was completed.


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