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WebUI - Chat History for Knowledge Bases And Miscellaneous Improvements

External Release Notes: Web UI (July 10, 2024) 

New Features And Enhancements

Chat History for Knowledge Bases

Egnyte Copilot - Knowledge Bases now offers its users the ability to access the chat history. Users can view chat history from the past 180 days and have the option to rename or delete historical records as needed.

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BIM File Preview - Support for Navisworks Files and Revit Families

Egnyte’s BIM file preview now supports the preview of .nwd, .nwc, and .rfa files up to 50mb in the WebUI. This feature is available via the Specialized File Handler add-on.

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Number of Files Limit for Restoring Content from Snapshot

Egnyte now has a limit of 200K total files in one restoration job. This ensures the smooth and successful execution of the restoration process, making the feature more reliable and fail-safe.

If the selected folder(s) for restoration exceed this limit, the user will receive the following error message.

"The total number of files selected for restoration exceeds the current limit of 200,000 files. Please reduce your selection and try again.”

Learn more about Snapshot-based Ransomware Recovery.

Issues Addressed

Error while creating Scheduled Report with Existing Name

An unexpected error occurred when the user tried to create a scheduled report with an existing name. This issue was observed both for new reports and when creating one from an existing report.

Additional Information And Resources

The current release contains a few improvements to existing functionality.

  • Minor performance, security, and stability improvements
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Minor bug fixes

 These changes will be available to all users by July 11, 2024.

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