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Understanding Migration App Logs


Any User of Migration App, as well as anyone supporting or troubleshooting Migration Jobs.


Every time you execute a command using Migration App, logs and a report are generated. Some are saved to the Egnyte domain and some are saved to the local machine where the Agent is installed. This article is designed to help you understand and make use of these assets.

Logs Saved to the Egnyte Domain

If you have used Migration App to create at least one migration job, you will find a folder on your domain under Shared named Migrations. Every migration job will be assigned its own folder, labelled Migration-[JOB ID]. Use the Job ID to find the folder you want to investigate, click to expand the folder, and you will find it contains:

  • The Migration Report in xlsx format labelled migration_report_[JOB ID]. Open in Excel to view all activity for your job.

  • A zip file labelled cmmagent_reports_[JOB ID]. Download this file and unzip it to find:

    • The Migration Report in XLSX format

    • A folder labelled status. Within this folder you will find two types of CSV files.

      • success_[JOB ID] This includes the following information for every item: 
        • Source Path

        • Destination Path

        • Operation

        • Request ID

        • Timestamp for the Operation

        • Source Checksum

        • Destination Checksum

      • on_the_fly_rename_[JOB ID] – This is only generated if you selected Sanitize on-the-Fly when running a command. For any files that were renamed on the fly, it allows you to view the original name on the source and the new name on the destination. It also provides the same supporting information as included in the success file. 

Logs Saved to the Local Machine Where the Agent Is Installed

Depending on how you are logged into Agent, you will find the logs in one of two places.

If you are logged in as the Local System, go to:


If you are logged in as the Local User, go to:


Once you are inside this folder, you will find a folder for each migration job labelled with the Migration ID. Inside you will find a variety of files and folders.

Migration Report

This is the same XLSX file that you can find on the Egnyte domain. It is updated every time a migration job completes a command.

Scan Folder

Click to open the scan folder. For every command you executed for this job, you will see multiple CSV files. Every file is appended with “_[JOB ID]_[time/date stamp]_[Agent version].”

  • cmmagent file – Created whenever a scan is run. May be eliminated in the future as it does not provide any additional information.

  • scan file – Also generated for every command. It provides a complete list of all files and folders, including their path name. If IsDir is TRUE, the object is a folder. Each line item includes file size and last modified time.

  • empty_folder file – This file is only created when you opt in to migrate empty folders as part of the command. It lists all empty folders identified on the source.

  • diff- file – This file is only generated as part of a True-Up. It provides a list of all files to be deleted, and why.

  • diff+ file – Also only generated as part of a True-Up. It provides a list of all files to be added.

Status Folder

The status folder is created only after Data Migration or True-Up. Within will be two types of CSV files.

  • success_[JOB ID] This includes the following information for every item: 
    • Source Path

    • Destination Path

    • Operation

    • Request ID

    • Timestamp for the Operation

    • Source Checksum

    • Destination Checksum

  • on_the_fly_rename_[JOB ID] This is only generated if you selected Sanitize on-the-Fly. For any files that were renamed on the fly, it allows you to view the original name on the source and the new name on the destination. It also provides the same supporting information as included in the success file. 

Diskhash Folder

This is only created if you run a True-Up and contains several files that are only used by the back-end system.

Logs Folder

Within this folder, you will only find one file.

  • cmmagent-log-[JOB ID].log This is a text file that you can open in Console, Shell or Terminal. This file can be used to drill down into the job behavior, as it includes all Agent logs.

PFFL Folder

This is only created when the True-Up is run AND Sync Deletes is enabled. If Sync Deletes is disabled, this will not appear. One file will be enclosed:

  • pffl_egnytecontrolplane_[JOB ID]_[time/date stamp]_[Agent version].csv 

Perms Folder

If you have run a Permissions Simulation or Migration, you will also see a perms folder containing the following:

  • eg_perms_[JOB ID]_[time/date stamp]_[Agent version].json – Includes a list of all permissions from the destination.

  • fail_eg_perms_[time/date stamp]_[Agent version].json – Lists any permissions that failed to migrate

  • folder_list.json – Provides a list of folders on the source.

  • permission-report-success_[JOB ID]_[time/date stamp]_[Agent version].csv – This is a list of successful permission migrations.

  • raw_perms_ fail_eg_perms_[time/date stamp]_[Agent version].json – List of any permissions that failed to migrate.

Logs Saved to Egnyte’s Support Domain

In addition to logs saved to the Customer Domain and the Local Host where the Agent is installed, the same logs are saved to Egnyte’s internal support domain. This helps our Support Team provide educated, intelligent support for any problems or questions you may have about Migration App performance.

Questions? Feature Requests? Other Feedback?

If you have feature suggestions or requests, feel free to submit them here, and make sure you mention Migration App in the text.

For more complex requests that would benefit from providing screenshots or other attachments, you may submit them to support@egnyte.com. Be sure to include Migration App in the email title. Our Support team will push your comments to the Product team for consideration.

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