Any user of the Migration App.
In the Migration Dashboard, a given Migration Operator may have many migration jobs listed. Some may be still needed, while others may have already been completed. Moreover, each user only has visibility into the jobs they have personally created. In any case, the Migration Job Listing may be a useful artifact to help understand the full scope of Agents and Migration Jobs associated with your domain.
Accessing the Migration List
On the Migration Dashboard in the upper right quadrant, you will see several links.
To the left of the Add New Source button, click on Download Migration List.
The CSV file will download and can be opened from wherever your downloads are saved. It will be named [YOURDOMAIN]-migration-jobs-ddmmyyyy (e.g. acme-migration-jobs-01092022).
Information Provided on the Migration List
The Migration List lets you view all migration jobs for all Agents created by any Migration Operator on your domain. It provides the following details for each job:
- Source (Agent) Name
- Hostname (optional)
- Agent ID Number
- Agent Version
- Migration Job Name
- Source Path
- Destination Path
- Migration ID Number
- Date Created
- Last Command Run
- Date of Last Command
- Status of the Last Command
- Link to the Migration Report
- Migration Operator
Questions? Feature Requests? Other Feedback?
If you have feature suggestions or requests, feel free to submit them here, and make sure you mention Migration App in the text.
For more complex requests that would benefit from providing screenshots or other attachments, you may submit them to Be sure to include Migration App in the email title. Our Support team will push your comments to the Product team for consideration.