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Third-Party Apps That Can Be Used With Egnyte

This article contains a list of third-party mobile applications that are certified to work with Egnyte. Most of the apps below either link directly into Egnyte or can connect to the customer's account using WebDAV or FTP. 

Typically, there are two different workflows for using a third-party mobile app to view or edit files: 

  1. Open third-party app → Connect to Egnyte directly or via WebDAV → Access files and automatically save back to Egnyte
  2. Open Egnyte mobile app and select file → Choose Open In option to view or edit file with a different app → Use a Save Back or Open In option from within third-party app to upload file back to the Egnyte mobile app

The article primarily focuses on the first workflow, but it should be noted  that most of the apps below also support the second process.

Egnyte’s WebDAV server only offers the standard file management capabilities of a class 1 WebDAV server, including:

  • Uploading, downloading, deleting, copying, moving, and renaming files
  • Creating, deleting, copying, moving, and renaming folders 

To connect to Egnyte from Windows Explorer or Mac Finder, it is required to install the Desktop App. There are also a variety of third-party integrations that can connect the applications to Egnyte without the need for WebDAV.


Set Up

Apps that Connect via WebDAV

For apps that connect to Egnyte using WebDAV, use the following structure when entering credentials.

  • Domain Name or URL per device scenario:
    • For static devices (e.g. printers and scanners) - https://webdav-egnytedomainname.egnyte.com
      Ex: if the Egnyte domain name is acme then the URL will be https://webdav-acme.egnyte.com
    • For dynamic devices (e.g. laptops and tablets) - https://egnytedomainname.egnyte.com/webdav
      Ex: if the Egnyte domain name is acme then the URL will be https://acme.egnyte.com/webdav
  • Username/Login: <Egnyte username>
  • Password: <Egnyte password>

SSO authenticated users will have to set a “Non-SSO” password that is only used for WebDAV. This can be done from the My Preferences tab under My Profile in the Egnyte Web UI.  Instructions for this can be found here

Desktop App access needs to be enabled in Egnyte to link the account with any apps that require a WebDAV connection. Account Admins can access this from the Configuration tab in Settings under the User Types & Roles section.

third party apps - enable webdav access.png

Only Admins and Power Users (excluding Service Accounts) have access to WebDAV in Egnyte

Apps that Connect Directly with Egnyte

For apps connecting directly to Egnyte, credentials should be entered as usual:

  • Egnyte domain name: mycompany
  • Username: <Egnyte username>
  • Password: <Egnyte password>

Apps that Connect via FTP

For FTP clients, use the following structure.

  • FTP Server/Host: ftp-<domain name>.egnyte.com
    Ex: If the domain name is acme then the URL will be ftp-acme.egnyte.com.
  • Username: <Egnyteusername>$<domain name>
    Ex: if the username is john and domain name is acme then the username will be john$acme

    If the FTP Client does not support $ symbol then any of the following symbols can be used: % # | @ &

  • Password: <Egnyte password>


Egnyte supports three transfer protocols: FTP, FTPES, and SFTP.

Ensure that the protocol that the app is using is consistent with the Egnyte account’s FTP policy. Otherwise, it will be unable to establish a connection. Admins can access this from the Configuration tab in Settings under the Applications section.


If the account only allows secure FTP connections, make sure the app is using FTPES or SFTP.

The Apps

Free Apps

Documents (by Readdle)

View any common file type, edit text files, annotate PDFs, and play or preview media files.

  • Compatible with iOS
  • Configuration: Choose NetworkWebDAV Server → Enter credentials


Polaris Office (by Infraware)

View, edit, and create Office files.

  • Compatible with iOS and Android
  • Configuration (iOS): Choose Add CloudWebDAV → Enter credentials
  • Configuration (Android): Choose Add Cloud StorageWebDAV → Enter credentials


Boxcryptor (by Secomba GmbH)

Encrypt files locally before uploading them to Egnyte using a customer managed encryption key.

  • Compatible with iOS and Android
  • Configuration: Choose Add Provider → Pick Egnyte → Enter credentials

Paid Apps

Word, Excel, PowerPoint (by Microsoft Office)

View, edit, and create Office files.

While these apps are free, a paid subscription from Office 365 is required to edit documents.


GoodReader (by Good.iWare)

View common file types and annotate PDFs with drawings, sticky notes, arrows, and more.

  • Compatible with iOS
  • Configuration: Choose Connect to serversAddWebDAV Server → Enter credentials


PDF Expert (by Readdle)

Fill, view, edit, and annotate PDFs.

  • Compatible with iOS
  • Configuration: Choose NetworkAddWebDAV Server → Enter credentials


FTP Clients

FTP Client Pro (by LessIsMore Development)

Access remote files, edit text files, view common file types, transfer files to and from Egnyte, and create new files and folders.

  • Compatible with iOS
  • Configuration: Select appropriate protocol → Enter credentials



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