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Standard Users FAQs

What is a Standard User? 

A Standard User is typically a user outside the organization. Typical Standard Users include vendors, clients, and other customers that need continued access to collaborate on files and folders. 

What Permissions can a Standard User Be Granted?

Administrators and Power Users (if enabled) can grant folder permissions to Standard Users. Standard Users will have access to upload and/or download content, depending on the permissions given. Keep in mind that Standard Users are outside of the organization and should not be given access to sensitive data.

What is the Difference Between a Standard User and a Power User?


Power Users


Standard Users
(Business Partners)

Web Access
  • Upload, download, and browse files and folders from Egnyte using a web browser.
Create Links
  • Create, share, and request Egnyte files through customizable links.
  • Open files from the Web UI and edit them in their native applications.
Mobile Apps
  • Access and upload files using mobile devices with native apps (iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, Nook, Kindle Fire).
Desktop App
  • Access all of the files and folders from a network drive or volume without having to first sync them to your computer.
Storage Sync (Office & Enterprise Local Cloud)
  • Sync a local copy of files to a storage device for centralized, LAN speed, offline access within the office.
External Authentication (via AD or SSO)
  • Authenticate users with an external directory (e.g. Active Directory) or SSO identity provider.
  • Transfer files to and from Egnyte using the FTP protocol


How Can Admins Get A List of Standard Users That Are Still Pending?

Yes, admins can export the list of users and filter it to show only standard users with blank 'LastActive' values.

Can Standard Users use @name mentions to tag other Egnyte users?

Yes, but Standard Users cannot tag other Standard Users using @name mentions. This is to maintain privacy amongst Egntye users within the domain.


For more information on Egnyte user roles, please refer to the Administrators, Power Users, and Standard Users article

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