Similarly to Egnyte Desktop App, Desktop App Core also contains Command Line Interface.
Run egcli for a list of supported commands and additional details.
Available OPTIONS:
--version Shows the version
-h, --help Shows help information
drives Manage your drives
logs Logging level
nuke Removes all internal data and every drive installed in the system
settings Configure Egnyte settings (for now only auto-launch)
auto-upgrade Check or influence auto-upgrade state
suppressions Suppress alerts/dialogs
uploads See recent and pending uploads
Run egcli drives add -h to get a list of options
We additionally extended available options in adding Connected Folder through CLI: (available with v0.7 and above)
egcli connected-folders add --drive <drive> -lp <lp> -cp <cp> [--child]
-d, --drive <drive> Label or UUID associated with drive.
-lp, --localPath <lp> Local path for which to establish the connection.
-cp, --cloudPath <cp> Cloud path for which to establish the connection.
-c, --child Add path as a child.
Adding -c or –child at the end of the connected-folders command will create a folder in the cloud path with the same name as the folder on local drive. Not adding -c or -child will connect local folder directly to cloud path.
Custom Cloud Start Path can only be added via Command Line Interface and only during the drive addition step. After the addition, it cannot be changed.
egcli drives add <drive_label> --domain <domain> --username <egnyte_user>
--password <egnyte_password> --cloudStartPath /Shared/Documents/
At each sub-level command, type -- at the end to get additional documentation to guide you to the appropriate actions.
Example command:
egcli drives list
Setting Defaults for Co-editing
You can set the default double-click behavior for office files. The options are 'ask', 'always', and 'never'.
ask - Displays a popup and lets the user choose how they want to open the file.
always - Will always open the file in co-editing mode.
never - Will open the file locally. Other users will not be able to edit.
egcli settings coedit-app-defaults set [--word <word>] [--excel <excel>]
[--power-point <power-point>] [--preferred-integration <preferred-integration>]
[--drive <drive>]
In the example below, the configure word files to open locally.