Any user of Migration App.
Jobs are considered in conflict if they share the same destination with one or more existing migration jobs. In such cases, data migration cannot proceed until the Confluence feature has been enabled for these conflicting jobs.
Activating Confluence On A Job
Enabling the Confluence feature for the jobs in conflict is handled directly in the User Interface from the migration details page.
- From the Migration Dashboard, click on the three-dot menu for the job in question. Click on Details to navigate to the migration details page.
On the Migration Details Page, in the left column, click on the arrow next to Advanced Options to open the drop-down menu.
- Click to toggle Enable Confluence to ON.
- Click the Save button and then click Migration details in the left column to return to the main details view.
- Here, Confluence enablement status can be confirmed from the Other Details section in the right hand column.
User can now proceed with migration operations for this job.
- When Confluence Mode is enabled for a migration job, Sync Deletes is automatically set to No/Never. However, the user can change Sync Deletes to Yes/Always, if required.
- If Job 1 shares the same destination with Job 2, but Job 1 has been completed and will not be run in the future, the user does not need Confluence enabled for Job 1. Only jobs that they plan to continue using (and share a destination with prior jobs) require Confluence.
- It is possible that different Migration Operators may create conflicting jobs. If more than one user is running migrations, the user may need to coordinate with them to confirm that they are not in conflict.
- If the user plans to run a Migration Job with destination /Shared/XYZ and that destination already has content in it, they need to turn Confluence ON before beginning the Migration Job. This will allow them to target that destination for the initial Data Migration and subsequent True-Ups without deleting the content originally contained therein.
- Confluence should be enabled any time there is a common destination and:
- Multiple Migration Jobs are used to push content to that destination. Jobs may be all tied to the same Agent but with a different source path. Jobs may also be initiated by different Migration Operators. In any case, they all need to have Confluence enabled.
- Migration App is being used in addition to direct uploads by users via Desktop App or Web UI to add content to the destination.
Questions? Feature Requests? Other Feedback?
Feature suggestions or requests can be submitted here, with a mention of Migration App in the text.
For more complex requests that would benefit from providing screenshots or other attachments can be submitted to Be sure to include Migration App in the email title. The Support team will push the request to the Product team for consideration.