Any Migration App user.
Migration App uses metacommands that are comprised of multiple atomic commands. For example, Migrate Data involves several steps.
- First, it Scans the Source.
- Then it optionally Sanitizes the data on the Source.
- Finally, it migrates data to the Destination.
A Migration Operator may also optionally run a standalone Scan command to understand what data exists on the source: how many files and folders, the size of the data and any unsupported or excluded files.
To eliminate unnecessary steps and time , Migration App is set to a default Skip Scan Period of 8 hours.
What Does a Skip Scan Period of 8 Hours Mean?
If any type of scan were completed successfully within the previous 8 hours (whether a manual standalone scan, or the scan that follows the creation of the job, or a scan as part of a metacommand), when the user initiates a Migration command, they are offered the option to include the scan.
If no scan had been completed within the Skip Scan Period, the first option will not be displayed to the user, and the scan would be included by default as part of the metacommand.
Alternatively, if the user prefers not to be prompted for this every time they initiate a Migration command, they can use Advanced Options to set their preferences.
Controlling Skip Scan Period Preferences
On the Migration Details Page, in the left column, click on the arrow next to Advanced Options to open the drop-down menu.
- Click on Skip Scan Period to open the dialog box.
- From the dropdown, select the preferred threshold for this migration job. Note that setting the period for 0 hours will disable the Skip Scan feature and the job will include a scan with every metacommand.
- Click Save.
Questions? Feature Requests? Other Feedback?
For any feature suggestions or requests, feel free to submit them here, and mention Migration App in the text.
For more complex requests that would benefit from providing screenshots or other attachments, submit them to Be sure to include Migration App in the email title. The Support team will forward the comments to the Product team for consideration.