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Ensuring Windows Host Machine and Source Are on the Same AD Domain


Any user of the Migration App.


Registering the Agent requires that you provide both your Egnyte Admin credentials and the local Windows user credentials. This will allow you to access network share resources.


To successfully register the Agent, you must ensure the Windows host machine is on the same AD domain as the network share resources.

If this is not the case, you will either be unable to register the Agent on your Windows host, or you will be unable to create a migration job successfully. We'll look at how both of these errors will manifest.

Error Message: Invalid Username or Password Entered

When registering the Agent, after clicking Next, if the dialog box returns with the error "Invalid username or password entered," this indicates that you have not entered the correct credentials for the Windows host machine. Once this is resolved, you may be up and running successfully.


Error Message: Invalid Username or Password Entered

Alternatively, you may have successfully registered the Agent, but when you create a Migration Job, you get an error Invalid source path (#2010), and the Migration Status reads Migration creation failed


This indicates that while you have the correct credentials to register the Agent, the Windows host machine is not on the same AD domain as the source specified in the Migration Job.

So if the source data (the network share server) is on the AD1 domain, the Windows host where the Agent is installed must also be on the AD1 domain.

Here's how to fix this on a Windows 10 machine. Your Network Administrator can provide all the necessary domain information.

  1. From the Windows host, go to Settings > System > About, then click Join a domain.
  2. Enter the domain name and click Next.
  3. Enter the account information required to authenticate on the domain and then click OK.
  4. Wait a few moments while your computer is authenticated on the domain.
  5. When the Add an account screen appears, your User account and Account type will be displayed. You shouldn't need to make any changes, so click Next.
  6. You will need to restart the machine to complete the process.
  7. Upon restart, when the sign-in screen appears, you will see DOMAIN/useraccount is displayed. Enter your password, and you're now logged into the domain.
  8. Fully uninstall the CMM Agent from the Windows host machine and run a fresh install. Provide the same DOMAIN/useraccount and password from Step 7 to register the Agent.

You will now be able to successfully create and run Migration Jobs for any sources on this AD domain.


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