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List of Connected Folders Registration Errors

The following guide outlines common Desktop App error states while trying to connect a folder. 

An error message will be shown either as a notification or as a message in CLI.  



Error Code Error message Additional info
3100 Cannot initialize location Application internal error
3110 Invalid local path Local path contains forbidden name
3111 Invalid local path Local path is Windows short path
3112 Local path must be a directory Local path is not a directory
3120 Local path conflicts with Egnyte un-synced content directory Local path is used by Egnyte (unsynced content location or cache directory)
3130 Invalid cloud path. Forbidden characters Cloud path contains forbidden characters
3131 Invalid cloud path. Trailing dots. Cloud path contains trailing dots
3132 Invalid cloud path. Leading or trailing spaces. Cloud path contains leading or trailing spaces EG " foldername "
3133 Invalid cloud path. Empty names. Cloud path contains empty names
3134 Invalid cloud path. Multibyte unicode characters. Cloud path contains multi-byte characters. For example, emoticons. EG "foldername🖥🖨"
3140 Cloud path not starting with /Shared or /Private namespace Cloud path is not valid Egnyte a directory
3150 Found conflicting subscription on Local path conflicts with other already registered location
3160 Found conflicting locations Cloud path conflicts with other already registered location


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