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In Egnyte, you can easily apply Watermarks to files viewed through a shared link within a regular Egnyte domain and even to files previewed and/or downloaded from within the Document Room domain by the user with viewer and viewer-only permissions. Watermarks can be set at any time and will apply to every link, regardless of when it was created (so it will apply to both links created before enabling this feature and newly created ones).

Egnyte offers two levels of watermarking – basic watermarking is available with the Document Room plan and advanced watermarking is available with Platform Enterprise and Document Room Enterprise plan.

Enable and Configure Watermarks (Basic Watermarking)

To enable the Watermarking feature on your domain, go to Settings > Configuration > General section and enable the Watermark files option.

webUI - watermark - enable basic watermark.png


Once enabled, the Admin will have to provide the static watermark text for the whole domain. Admin can optionally choose to include the viewer's IP Address in the watermark which will be dynamically added to the watermark along with the static text


Enable and Configure Watermarks (Advanced Watermarking)

To enable the Watermarking feature on your domain, go to Settings > Configuration > General section and enable the Watermark files option.

webUI - watermark - enable advanced watermark.png


Once enabled, the Admin can select the Customise watermark button to open the watermark editor and configure the watermark.

In the watermark editor, the Admin can provide the main text for the watermark and then select additional dynamic items to be added on top of the main text. The admin will have the option to choose the Recipient’s IP address, User full name and User email address as dynamic items. The admin can also choose to add a line break after each component to structure the watermark better.

To assist the administrator in ensuring accurate watermark configuration, a sample preview will be displayed as they select the configurations.

webUI - watermark - sample preview.png

When the domain admin enables the watermarking for the very first time for the domain, the text Confidential will be set as the default value of the watermark.

The user's full name will be applicable only when the logged-in user is viewing the files. For users accessing files anonymously via shared links, the user's full name will not be included in the watermark, irrespective of the configuration.

The user’s email address will be included in the watermark only when the logged-in user is viewing the file or a specific recipient is viewing the file via a shared link.

If the checkbox Add a line break after each component is not checked, all the selected components within the watermark will appear one after another in one single line.


When watermarks are enabled and configured for the domain, then the watermark text and additional dynamic components as per the configuration will be displayed diagonally in the preview for all files viewed via shared links within the regular Egnyte domain or previewed and downloaded within the Document Room domain. The text will be automatically scaled to the preview size.

webUI - watermark - actual display in doc preview.png

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