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Drag and Drop in the WebUI


Drag and drop is a feature that allows users to organize files and folders quicker than before with less effort and with a more natural feeling. There are multiple places within Egnyte where you can perform drag and drop.

  1. Drag & drop on Desktop App.
  2. Drag & drop on Storage Sync/mapped drive
  3. Drag & drop when you upload files and dragging files from your desktop into a folder in Web UI.
  4. Finally, the drag & drop in WebUI, described in this article. It is an improvement to existing functions behind Move / Copy options from the select menu.

Moving Files With Drag and Drop (and Holding SHIFT)

Copying Files With Drag and Drop (and Holding ALT / OPTION)

Additional Drag and Drop Destinations

Drag and Drop Without Holding SHIFT Nor ALT / COMMAND

Drag and Drop for Multiple Files or Folder


We require users to hold SHIFT or ALT / COMMAND to prevent accidental moves of files and folders.


Moving Files With Drag and Drop (and Holding SHIFT)

If a user wants to move files in WebUI, he can achieve that by using the SHIFT button during operation.

  1. The user starts with selecting one or multiple files or folders just like before.
  2. Next, the user drags the file(s) or folder(s) to the desired place.
  3. The user presses and holds SHIFT.
  4. The user releases a mouse or touchpad; the files or folders are moved.
  5. The user releases SHIFT.


Copying Files With Drag and Drop (and Holding ALT/OPTION)

If a user wants to copy files without a confirmation window, he/she can achieve that by using the ALT/OPTION button during the operation.

  1. The user starts with selecting one or multiple files or folders just like before.
  2. Next, the user drags the file(s) or folder(s) to the desired place.
  3. The user presses and holds ALT / OPTION button.
  4. When the user releases a mouse or touchpad, files will be copied.
  5. The user releases ALT/OPTION button.


Additional Drag and Drop Destinations

Users can also drag a file to the Folder Tree on the left side of the screen.


Users can even drag folders from one view to another.


Drag and Drop Without Holding SHIFT Nor ALT / COMMAND

When users drag any file or folder and drop it in any other place both in the folder listing and the folder tree on the left, we display a popup asking for confirmation.

  1. The user starts by hovering over the file or folder name and clicking + holding on a selected file or folder.
  2. Next, the user drags the file or folder to the desired place.
  3. When the user is releasing a mouse or touchpad, the confirmation box is presented.
  4. The user can decide to Move, Copy, or cancel the action. 


Drag and Drop for Multiple Files or Folder

Users can select more than one file or folder and move or copy them the same way they are doing with one.






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