Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Egnyte for Google Workspace integration below. If you want to learn more about the integration, check out our Egnyte for Google Workspace overview article.
Where are the Google Documents stored?
The files are stored in Egnyte with the permissions handled by Egnyte.
Does the integration work with Desktop App and Smart Cache?
This integration works via the Web UI and Desktop App in Egnyte.
What type of Google account do I need to use for the integration?
The user needs to have at least a basic business Google account to use the integration. A consumer account (Gmail) will also work as long as it matches the email address logged into Egnyte.
Can I edit Microsoft Office documents?
Yes, you can edit Microsoft Office format files (.docx, .xlsx, and .pptx) with this integration and they will be saved back in the same format.
Can I co-author with people outside my organization?
Yes, you can share with Standard Users as long as those users have a matching email account with Google. Those users still need to have permissions on the folder to edit.
I am getting a not authorized when I try and open a file or create a new file?
Please be sure that you are logged in and that the email accounts between your Google Account and Egnyte account are the same.
Does Google store any of my data?
Yes, Google will store a cached version in its system under its Cloud Agreement policies. These files are only used by this integration for performance, and users will not be able to access these files outside of the Egnyte integration.
Does this integration work with older versions of Egnyte Google integration?
This integration is not compatible with our older versions of the Google integration, including the Google Drive and Google Workspace integrations. In the future, we'll be providing customers with a migration script to be allowed to move to this integration.
How do I move files from Google Drive over to Egnyte?
You can export files from Google Drive or use our migration partners to move files to Egnyte. These files get converted automatically when exported to Microsoft format files.
Can I still share using Google?
No, all sharing will be controlled by Egnyte.