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Two-Step Login Verification - Overview

Egnyte recommends enhancing the account security with Two-Step Login Verification (TSLV, MFA or TFA). TSLV adds an extra layer of protection by requesting an additional piece of information, alongside the username and password, each time the user logs in. This applies to all Egnyte access points, including the Web UI, Mobile App, and Desktop App.  

Egnyte has partnered with Twilio Inc., a leader in two-factor authentication, to secure user’s account with TSLV. If the user has a smartphone, the Twilio Authy Mobile app's 'Push' feature is the most secure and convenient way to grant access to the Egnyte account directly from the smartphone.

Egnyte offers four different methods for login verification, allowing users to choose the most convenient option. This article outlines a step-by-step process for each option, following instructions on how to enable TSLV on the profile.

Basic Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) using TOTP & Twilio Authy Mobile App for authentication is included with all Egnyte plans. The SMS or VoiceCall-based methods are only available on the Enterprise plans.

Refer to the articles below for more details:

Two-Step Login Verification - User Guide

Two-Step Login Verification - Admin Guide

Two-Step Login Verification - FAQs



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