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Personalized Email Invitations and Mail Server Integration

Egnyte offers admins the ability to use customized email templates for invitation messages when adding new users as well as to use customers’ own email servers using their own email domain for sending email notifications.

Custom Branding is available by default for all of our Platform plans.

Email Invitation Templates

Email invitation messages can be customized for your users. Each user type (Power and Standard Users) can have a different email template. You can use templates to promote helpful resources, provide general instructions, and much more. 

webUI - branding - custom invitation.png

Custom Mail Server Integration

You can use your company's mail server to send out emails when sharing links, notifications, or inviting new users to your Egnyte domain.

Custom mail server integration can be set up in domain settings under Configuration > Branding section > Mail Server Integration by specifying the required settings.

SMTP Authentication Methods

Egnyte currently offers two authentication methods

  • Microsoft Authentication (based on OAuth2) for customers using Microsoft SMTP services and Microsoft Azure Identity management
  • Basic Authentication using username and password

Microsoft Authentication

In order to use Microsoft Authentication (OAuth2), customers need the following information from their Azure Active Directory

  • Tenant ID
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

Step 1 - Log in to Microsoft Azure and make a note of your Tenant ID from Active Directory overview.


Step 2 - Register a new App in Microsoft Azure using the callback URI provided in the Egnyte WebUI to obtain the Client ID

Copy Callback URI from Egnyte page

webUI - mail server integration - copy URI.png

In Microsoft Azure, go to App Registrations and click on the New Registration button.

New registration.png

Fill in the App Name and select the account type. Under Redirect URI select Web from the dropdown and paste the URI copied from Egnyte.

Registering a new App in Azure.png

Note down the client ID from the Overview page of the application.

Copy client ID.png

Step 3 - Create a new client secret to obtain the client value

new client secret button.png

Type in a Description, select the tenure of the secret and click on the Add button.

Type name and tenute of client secret.png

Click on the add button to create the client secret.png

Copy the value of the Client Secret.

Copy client secret.png

Make a note of the client secret value

Egnyte does not notify admins about expired client secrets. Administrators are required to update new client secrets before the chosen expiration date. If client secrets expire, no notifications, password reset emails, or account invitations will be sent.

Step 4 - Enter the information in Egnyte domain settings and click ‘Authenticate’

In Egnyte domain settings enter the the information from Microsoft Azure as follows:

  • Client ID = Application (Client) ID
  • Client Secret = Value of the Client Secret
  • Tenant ID = Tenant ID

test mail server configuration.jpeg

After successful authentication continue with adding the remaining mail server information and test settings using the ‘Test Now’ button and save the settings.

Basic Authentication Using Username/Password

Customers not using Microsoft SMTP services may use basic authentication with username and password to connect to their SMTP server.

webUI - mail server integration - basic authentication.png

Note that Port 25 for SMTP is not supported. We recommend using port 465 or 587 for SMTP.

Mail Server IP Addresses

To ensure users are able to receive all email from Egnyte, please add the following IP addresses to your allowed sites.


If using a custom SMTP email server, please allow the data center IP address as well the email server IP, depending on the location. For details, see Egnyte Firewall Rules

If you require assistance your firewall or SMTP relay settings, please contact Egnyte Support for assistance.

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