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Desktop App for Mac Uninstallation

In this guide you will learn how to fully uninstall Desktop for Mac.

Simply uninstalling "Egnyte Connect.app" or "Egnyte.app" on your computer won't delete your files from your hard drive. If you’d like to completely remove Desktop App and all the data from your computer, follow the instructions below. These procedures will purge all the data associated with Egnyte from the computer - make sure that all your work is either backed-up locally or made its way to the Egnyte cloud.

Uninstallation Steps

Before following either of the instructions below, quit the Egnyte Connect app - by doing so we make sure that our app won’t face some inconsistent state potentially leading to unexpected behavior.


To do a clean uninstall of the Desktop App, complete the steps below:

  1. Open Finder, select Go, and click Go to Folder... 


  2. Enter "~/Library/Application Support/Egnyte Connect/" and click Go.


  3. Double click Egnyte Connect Uninstaller from the list and follow the prompts.

  4. There will be a prompt requesting for admin privileges. This is necessary in order to make a complete clean of the extensions used by Desktop App.

    Desktop App Mac_Uninstall_4.jpg


To do a clean uninstall of the Egnyte Connect through script, both locally or remotely, you need to run the following command:

sudo /Applications/Egnyte\ Connect.app/Contents/Resources/Egnyte\ Connect\ Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/Egnyte\ Connect\ Uninstaller

When trying to uninstall Egnyte Connect remotely, we do not recommend forcefully quitting the application using script. Quitting Egnyte Connect requires user interaction to guarantee that all work is properly saved. This is to avoid potentially incurring in data loss. So instead, we recommend to run the uninstaller command remotely only when restarting the machine. If uploads are still in progress, those files will be automatically moved to the local user Desktop.

The command must be run in admin privileges in order to make a completely clean uninstall of the extensions used by Egnyte Connect.

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