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Smart Cache - Known Limitations


Synced folders do not support thumbnails on Desktop App

Folders served by the Sync functionality do not display thumbnails when accessed through the Desktop App, whereas folders served by the Cache functionality support it.

No local AD user to Egnyte Cloud user mapping support in Smart Cache unlike Storage Sync

There is no user mapping support for local AD users to Egnyte cloud users in Smart Cache. Therefore, the local AD username must exactly match with the Egnyte cloud username for the SMB mode to work properly.

Renaming a synced folder as an Admin or Power User with full permissions on the cloud

Renaming a folder that is configured for sync to a Smart Cache device will deselect the folder and respective sub-folders from being synced to Smart Cache until the next sync cycle.

Canonical renaming a synced folder using Egnyte Desktop App

Renaming a folder that is configured for sync to its canonical variant will result in an empty folder listing on Mac clients.

For example, renaming the folder /Shared/Documents/abc to /Shared/Documents/ABC.

Administrative User password change

Changing the password of the Admin or service account user in the cloud will invalidate the auth token and will require Administrators to reauthorize the Smart Cache device to get it back to a working state. Administrators are recommended to follow the best practice and use service accounts to avoid changing passwords.

Degraded performance on Hyper-V with Broadcom adapters

Hyper-V virtual machines of Smart Cache (VMs) hosted on Windows Server 2012 (R2) server may exhibit slow network performance if Broadcom network adapters are installed in the host. This can happen if Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) is enabled on the physical network adapter used by the VMs.

The known workaround is to disable VMQ on the affected network adapters or change the MAC addresses of the corresponding virtual switches. However, it is possible that Broadcom has released an update to fix the issue since this article was written. Therefore, the first step in troubleshooting the issue should be to ensure that the Broadcom adapter driver and firmware are up to date on the Hyper-V host.

Folder move operation

Folder move operations between synced and un-synced folders when a Desktop App client is Smart Cache connected is not supported. Users shall experience the following symptoms while trying these operations. 

Scenario 1:

Moving a sub-folder from a synced to an unsynced folder in Smart Cache using Egnyte Desktop Application 

Symptom: The user is prompted with a Move Failed for Audit Test message.

Scenario 2:

Moving a sub-folder from an unsynced folder to a synced folder in Smart Cache using Egnyte Desktop Application 

Symptom: In very rare scenarios where there are a lot of sub-folders/files under the moved folder it can take a few seconds or minutes for the folder to synchronize down to Smart Cache and be visible to the user.

Smart Cache in Offline Mode

Smart Cache continues to function even when it loses network connection with the cloud. Desktop App users can still open and modify files on the Smart Cache device, and all file operations are saved to Smart Cache. In Offline Mode, Smart Cache handles lock requests locally, ensuring only one user can modify a file at a time. When network connectivity is restored, file and folder modifications are synchronized with the cloud.

In the event of an Internet outage, Smart Cache data can be accessed for up to 7 days of downtime, provided the user has accessed Smart Cache through the Desktop App before the outage. This is done for security reasons.

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