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Preview Analytics

Preview Analytics is a feature on the preview page that helps content creators understand how their materials are consumed. By providing insights, such as which documents receive the most engagement, it enables creators to make data-driven decisions. For example, they can focus on producing more content that aligns with popular trends or refine materials that failed to generate the desired traction.

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  1. The statistics are collected for every user that accesses the file (including anonymous users when a file is shared via public shared links)
  2. In order to see the statistics, user must at least have Editor permissions to the folder where the file is located
  3. When a user opens a file, a preview session is established. The session is closed after the user closes the preview or 30 minutes of inactivity.
  4. The statistics are reloaded on file preview (when the time passed since last refresh is 15 minutes or more, otherwise cached statistics are loaded), and are based only on the closed preview sessions.

The feature is available only on the Enterprise Lite and Enterprise plans

View Insights

  • Click on the file to preview and navigate to Insights.
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  • Select and apply the desired filters:
    • Last 7 Days is the default timeframe selected. Click on the dropdown to select other choices such as 
      • Last 30 Days 
      • Last 90 Days. 
    • Source: All is selected by default. The user can choose the source such as
      • Direct preview
      • Shared links
    • Users: All is the default selection. The other choices available are 
      • Existing users 
      • Without account
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  • The insights are available in a few tiles as:
    • Views: Total number of file views within the selected period.
    • Unique Users: Number of unique users previewing the file in the selected period.
    • Average Time: Average time spent by the users while previewing the file.
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  • A graphical representation of the Views in the selected timeframe is included.
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  • A table of users with their respective views and time spent on the file is included along with the option to search for a specific user.
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  • Users can click on any of the rows to view the list of the individual preview session and the associated timeframe.
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Page views

This section lists granular statistics about user activity on individual pages of documents. Users can also click on individual entries, which will then show them the statistics related to that person’s activity.

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The feature is available only on the Enterprise plan.


  • Analytics are currently limited to PDF files (max 2GB).
  • Analytics are only collected from the moment the feature was enabled on the domain (applies only to existing domains).
  • Analytics are only stored for 90 days.
  • Analytics are not collected for PDFs shared via read-only links. 
  • Analytics are displayed for all versions of the file, even if the amount of pages changes from version-to-version.
  • Analytics are not preserved in snapshots.
  • Analytics are only collected for previews in the WebUI.
  • Displayed analytics only include data collected during closed preview sessions. If some users are previewing the file in the moment when the Insights tab is opened, their activity won’t be included
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