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Webhooks in Secure & Govern

Egnyte provides its users with the ease of creating Webhooks through the Secure & Govern user interface by following a step-by-step process.

This makes registering a new Webhooks completely hassle-free and also offers a convenient mechanism to view details, modify, or rename an existing webhook.

Registering a New Webhook

  1. Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Settings -> Webhooks
  2. Click on Register new
  3. Enter the details of the new webhook and click on Register
    • Name: Name for the new webhook being registered
    • Endpoint: Enter the Endpoint URL 
    • Auth Header: The user can pass the auth header along with the response that could be verified for every API. This is an optional field. 
    • Event(s): Select one or multiple events as create/modify/resolve from the dropdown. By default, All Events are selected. 
    • Issue type(s): Select one or multiple issue types from the dropdown. By default, All issue types are selected
  4. The user will get a UI notification and an email notification after clicking on register

  5. The user will also be notified with an email notification if there is an error

    Currently, there are a maximum of 2 webhooks that can be registered per domain.

Manage Existing Connections

The users can view details, rename, pause, and remove an existing webhook. They can also activate a webhook if it has been paused.

  1. Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Settings -> Webhooks and click on the three-dot menu of an existing webhook
  2. Select the desired option from the action list.
  3. If an existing webhook was paused or in an erroneous state, the action list will appear with the Activate option instead of Pause

View Details 

  • Click on View Details from the list of actions. The Webhooks’ details will appear along with an option to rename, remove, pause or activate the webhook

Rename an Existing Webhook

  • Click on the Rename option from the list of actions or click on the edit icon from the Webhooks details
  • Enter the new name in place of the old webhook name and click on Rename

Pause Webhook

  • Click on the Pause option from the list of actions of an Active Webhook or click on the Pause button from the Webhooks details
  • Click on Pause in the confirmation pop-up
  • An email notification will be sent to the user regarding the pause action

Remove Webhook

  • Click on the Remove option from the list of actions or click on the Remove button from the Webhooks details
  • Click on Remove in the confirmation pop-up
  • An email notification will be sent to the user regarding the removal action

Activate an Existing Webhook

  • Click on the Activate option from the list of actions of a paused or erroneous Webhook or click on the Activate button from the Webhooks details
  • Click on Activate in the confirmation pop-up
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