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Content Lifecycle Actions Report

Content Lifecycle Actions Report offers insights into the management of content throughout its lifecycle, including actions like deletion and archivals. This report supports organizations in maintaining effective governance and adhering to data retention policies.

Create a New Report 

  1. Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Reports -> Audit -> Content Lifecycle Actions and Click on New Report.
    ContentLifecycleActionsReport -9.png
  2. Enter the details to create a new report 
    • Report name: Provide a name for the report being created
    • Actions: Choose All Actions (Default) or Selected Actions as Deletions or/and Archivals.

      ContentLifecycleActionsReport -11.png ContentLifecycleActionsReport -7.png
  • Date range: Select the date range from the drop down. Last 30 days is the default selection
    ContentLifecycleActionsReport -3.png
  • Click on the Create button. 
    ContentLifecycleActionsReport -1.png

4. The newly created report is displayed under Reports -> Audit -> Content Lifecycle Actions in the pending state. It takes a few seconds to generate the report. 
ContentLifecycleActionsReport -5.png

Access a Report

  1. Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Reports -> Audit -> Content Lifecycle Actions and click on a report to access it.
    ContentLifecycleActionsReport -12.png
  2. The report opens with the following details:
    • Date: Date and timeframe of the action
    • Name: Name of the document
    • Action: Action on the content, such as Deletion or Archival
    • Trigger: Name of the trigger
    • Content Source: Name of the source
    • Content Location: Location path of the content
    • Archive Domain: Name of the archive domain
    • Archive Location: Path of the archive location
    • Error: Error encountered, if any

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Export a Report

The content lifecycle actions report can be exported to the user’s machine in a .xlsx format.

  1. Access a report and click on the Export icon at the top-right. 
    ContentLifecycleActionsReport -6.png
  2. Alternatively, navigate to Reports -> Audit -> Content Lifecycle Actions. Click on the three dots -> Export
    ContentLifecycleActionsReport -4.png

Delete a Report

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Audit -> Content Lifecycle Actions. Click on the three dots -> Delete
    ContentLifecycleActionsReport -10.png
  2. Click on Delete to confirm 
    ContentLifecycleActionsReport -2.png
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