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User Actions Report

User Actions Report provides a comprehensive log of user activities, detailing the actions performed by individual users. This report is essential for tracking access, identifying potential security risks, and ensuring accountability within the organization. 

Create a New Report 

  • Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Reports -> Audit -> User Actions and Click on New Report.
    UserActionsReport -9.png
  • Enter the details to create a new report 
    • Report name: Provide a name for the report being created
    • Date range: Select the date range from the drop down. Last 30 days is the default selection
      UserActionsReport -6.png
    • Click on the Create button. 
      UserActionsReport -7.png
    •  The newly created report is displayed under Reports -> Audit -> User Actions in the pending state. It takes a few seconds to generate the report. 
      UserActionsReport -1.png

Access a Report

  • Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Reports -> Audit -> User Actions and click on a report to access it. 
    UserActionsReport -10.png
  • The report opens with the following details:
    • Date: Date and timeframe of the action
    • User: Name of the User
    • Email: Email Address of the user
    • Action: Action taken by the user
    • Item: Item on which the user took action
    • Source: Name of the source
    • Comments: Additional comments, if any
      UserActionsReport -3.png

Export a Report

The user actions report can be exported to the user’s machine in a .xlsx format.

  1. Access a report and click on the Export icon at the top-right. 
    UserActionsReport -2.png
  2. Alternatively, navigate to Reports -> Audit -> User Actions. Click on the three dots -> Export
    UserActionsReport -8.png

Delete a Report

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Audit -> User Actions. Click on the three dots -> Delete
    UserActionsReport -5.png
  2. Click on Delete to confirm.
    UserActionsReport -4.png

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