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User Activity Issues Report

The User Activity Issues report in Secure & Govern enables monitoring and reviewing suspicious activities performed by users. It provides a detailed list of activities based on selected issue types to help quickly identify and investigate potential security threats by focusing on the selected users. 

Create a New Report

Access a Report

Export a Report

Delete a Report

Create a New Report

  1. Navigate to Secure & Govern -> Reports -> Threat Management -> User Activity Issues.
    User activity issues report - navigae to .png
  2. Click on New report.
    User activity issues report - new report button.png
  3. Enter the details 
    • Report name: Provide a name to the report being created
    • Source: Select the Egnyte source to be used for the report
    • Users/Groups: Choose users/groups for the report as All users/group(s) (default), Selected users/group(s), All deactivated users. The option Selected users/groups allows for searching and selecting specific users and groups
      User activity issues report - users:groups dropdown.png
      User activity issues report - select users or groups.png
    • Issue Types: Choose issue type(s) as All issue type (default) or selected issue type. Select the desired issue type(s) for the latter
      User activity issues report - selected issue types.png
      User activity issues report - select issue type.png
    • Date range: Select the date range from the dropdown. 30 days is the default selection.
      User activity issues report - date range.png
    • Click on the Create button.
      User activity issues report - create.png
  4. The newly created report shows up under Reports -> Threat Management -> Users Activity Issues in the pending state. It takes a few seconds to generate the report.
    User activity issues report - pending.png

Access a Report 

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Threat Management -> Users Activity Issues and click on a specific report to access it.
    User activity issues report - access a report.png
  2. The report opens up with the number of issues included for each of the user or group under the selected categories at the time of report generation.
    User activity issues report - inside the report.pngClick on the report to dive deep into the identified issues, it will contain details such as 
    • Issue number
    • Type
    • Updated date
    • Severity
    • Source
    • Status
    • Confidence percentage 

    The report also provides information on the 

    • IP address
    • External users
    • Number of public links
    • Topmost affected folders
    • Total suspicious logins
    • Successful suspicious logins
    • Unsuccessful suspicious logins
    • Unused groups
    • Empty groups
    • Open groups

    User activity issues report - deep dive.png

Export a Report

The user activity issues report can be exported to the user’s machine in a .xlsx format. 

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Threat Management -> User Activity Issues and select the three dots menu for the report to export and click on Export. This will export the full report.
    User activity issues report - export a report.png
  2. Alternatively, access the report at the count level or at the issues level and choose to export the current view or full report. The report will be exported as per the selected option.
    User activity issues report - export dropdown.png

Delete a Report

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Threat Management -> User Activity Issues and select the three dots menu for the specific report to delete. Click on Delete.
    User activity issues report - delete option in 3 dot menu.png
  2. Click on Delete to confirm.
    User activity issues report - delete confirmation.png
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