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Egnyte IOS App v8.31.1 - Miscellaneous Improvements

External Release Notes: Egnyte iOS Mobile App v8.31.1 (July 29, 2024)

Issues Addressed

Multiple Entity Management (MEM) Domain Switching 

Fixed an issue where users were unable to see the dropdown for switching domains when logging in on custom or MEM-connected domains. Now, users can switch domains as expected.

PDF Annotations Not Showing Offline

Fixed an issue where edits to PDF files made in Offline mode were not visible immediately after saving. Previously, changes only appeared after reconnecting to the internet and syncing. Now, PDF edits are correctly saved and displayed while offline, ensuring a seamless editing experience even without an internet connection.

Additional Information and Resources


Go to Apple AppStore to upgrade to the latest version of the Egnyte iOS Mobile App (v 8.31.1).

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