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Restore items deleted through Desktop App on Windows


Due to the way Windows Explorer handles delete operations, deleting folders within the Desktop App is reflected in the Web UI as each file within the folder being deleted separately. This means the folder itself and each individual file are treated as separate deletions. As a result, restoring items from the trash can become a complex process. This article provides detailed instructions on how to find and restore folders deleted this way, ensuring all contents are accurately recovered.

Context: Deleting a Folder on Windows Desktop Application

  1. Navigate to the location where the folder needs to be deleted. Restore items DA win - locate and delete folders.png
    Files within the folder.
    Restore items DA win - Files in folder.png
  2. Right-click on the folder and select Delete from the context menu. Confirm the deletion if prompted.
    Restore items DA win - confirm delete.png

Restoring Deleted Files Using the Web UI

  1. Log in to the Egnyte website.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the Trash section. This is where all deleted files and folders are stored.
    Restore items DA win - Access trash.png
  3. Note that each file within a deleted folder is listed separately in the trash. If the folder is restored directly, it will be restored without its contents.
  4. To restore all content, create a filter based on the original file location. Use the Find in Trash option in the trash.
    Restore items DA win - find in trash button.png
  5. Use the filters mentioned below:
    Original Location filter
    Select the original location where the files were deleted from.
    Restore items DA win - original location filter.png
    Deleted date filter
    Set the date filter to approximate the date range during which the deletion occurred. This helps narrow down the list of files, especially if the folder contained many files.
    Restore items DA win - date filter.png
    Deleted by filter
    This filter is useful if all the files were deleted by a single user. 
    Restore items DA win - deleted by filter.png
  6. After selecting the filters, click Apply to view the files.
    Restore items DA win - after filters applied.png
  7. Select all the files that need to be restored. Select the checkbox next to each file or select all at once. 
    Restore items DA win - restore selected files.png

    Users can increase the number of items displayed on this page by changing a setting in their user profile. 
    Restore items DA win - increase no of items displayed per page.png

  8. Click on the Restore button to restore the selected files back to their original location.
    Restore items DA win - restore confirmation.png
  9. Go back to the Egnyte Desktop App or the Web UI and verify that the folder and all its contents have been restored to their original location.

Tips for Effective Restoration

Date Filter: Use the date filter to narrow down the files to those deleted within a specific time frame.

Original Location: Ensure the filter is set to the correct original location to avoid restoring unnecessary files.

Deleted by filter: If files have been deleted by a single user, select that user in this filter.

Large Folders: For folders with a large number of files, be patient and thorough in selecting all necessary files for restoration.

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