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Request Files from Others iOS and Android

Upload links are a great way for people outside your Egnyte account to upload content to a specific Shared folder, without being able to see the contents of that folder. 

Request Files From Others

iOS App

To create an upload link in the iOS app, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Shared folders and locate the folder where the uploaded files should be stored. 
  2. Click the three-dot menu next to the folder name and select Request Files from Others from the context menu.
    request files from others - iOS context menu.png 
  3. On the next screen, decide when the link will expire. 
  4. Click the Share Link option.
    request files from others - iOS configure and share link.png
  5. Choose a method to share the link with collaborators or partners (email, internet communicator, text message, etc.)
    request files from others - iOS sharing options.png

Android App

To create the request in the Android application: 

  1. Click the three-dot menu next to the folder name.
  2. Select Request Files from Others from the context menu.
    Request files from others - android 3 dot menu.jpg  request files from others - android context menu.jpg
  3. The next screen allows for the creation of a separate folder for each person uploading files via the link and offers an option to select the link expiration time.
  4. Next, choose a method to share the link with the collaborators. Selecting the Get link option will copy the link to the clipboard and can then be pasted to any message. 
    request files from others - configure and share link.jpg
  5. Selecting Email link enables adding email addresses of collaborators to send the link to, along with an optional message. Clicking the Send button in the upper right corner will dispatch the email.
    request files from others - e-mail link.jpg
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