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Confirming Sync Deletes During True-Up


Any user of Migration App.


Whenever the user runs a True-Up, the default behavior of Migration App is to Sync Deletes. This means that if data was originally copied to Egnyte but has since been deleted from the Source, when they run a True-Up command the data will also be deleted from Egnyte. As a reminder, the user can always opt out of Syncing Deletes

  • The feature is available for all plans but it will be enabled for any domain on request. Submit a ticket to support@egnyte.com to request enablement for the domain.
  • Sync deletes is no longer available under Advanced Options to avoid any inconsistencies for the users. It will be available under on-command job confirmation and in the scheduler options.

Confirming Sync Deletes 

Occasionally, customers are surprised by data deletion during a migration where files and folders that were originally migrated end up being deleted from Egnyte during True-Ups. This is the expected behavior, as the migration tool is designed to mirror the source and destination. So if the files or folders had been deleted from the source, they should also be deleted from the destination. But this isn’t always what the customer wants or expects to happen.

To help customers achieve the desired outcome, Egnyte provides multiple ways to opt out of Syncing Deletes. But even so, data deletion can come up unexpectedly so we designed a way to help avoid any surprises.

There are three possible scenarios that may occur during the process.  

Scenario 1: Handling Sync Deletes without Inaccessible Source Paths

If no inaccessible source paths are found during a True-up scan and multiple deletions are identified, the job is paused. A warning message shows up on the Migration Details page, and the Migration Operator will receive an email notification.  

Warning message:


When the admin or the power user with the can manage storage devices role clicks on Confirm, they will get the following pop-up.  

Confirming Sync Deletes During True-Up -2.png

Sample email:

Subject: Important Review and Approval Required for Synchronized Deletions - Migration ID: [Migration ID]

This is an important message to inform you that the migration job [Migration ID] for domain domain.egnyte.com has been temporarily paused.

The True-Up command will not proceed due to the system detecting an unusual number of deletions. This means that we detected more deletions than expected on the source. If allowed to proceed, these items will be deleted on the destination.  
In order to maintain the integrity of your data and ensure the accuracy of the migration, we kindly request your immediate attention in reviewing the deletions scheduled.

To facilitate this review, we have generated a list of files scheduled for deletion. You can access and review the list by clicking on the following link: Review Files.

Once you have thoroughly examined the files:

    • If you are confident in proceeding with synchronized deletion, please confirm and approve by navigating to the migration job from the Migration Dashboard.  
    • If you determine the files should NOT be deleted, navigate to the migration job and stop the command. We recommend you then opt out of Sync Deletes in Advanced Options. You may then restart the True-Up.

Your swift response is crucial in ensuring the seamless continuation of the True-Up process.

Once the Migration Operator has responded, the job will either resume as configured (and the data will be deleted), or with Sync Deletes disabled, the True-Up can be restarted without deleting the data.

Scenario 2: Handling Inaccessible Source Paths

The user receives a notification if one or more source paths are inaccessible. The notification contains a link to review such paths. 

The admin or the power user with the can manage storage devices role can review and then click Confirm in the notification above to proceed with any of the three available choices shown below.

Confirm sync-2.png

Once the user clicks on Proceed, the notification on inaccessible folder paths will disappear.

Confirming Sync Deletes During True-Up -4.png

Scenario 3: Handling Sync Deletes along with Inaccessible Source Paths

In this scenario, the user receives a notification with an option to review the list of files to be deleted as part of Sync Delete and the list of inaccessible files. 

Confirming Sync Deletes During True-Up -5.png

They can review and click Confirm in the notification above to view the following pop-up.

Confirming Sync Deletes During True-Up -6.png


The default thresholds are set at 50 files and 50GB. This means that if a true-up job identifies 50 files or more, OR 50GB or more of data to be deleted, the true-up job will automatically pause, and an email notification will be sent. For customizing these settings for the domain, please contact Egnyte support to request changes to any of these settings.

Questions? Feature Requests? Other Feedback?

For any feature suggestions or requests, feel free to submit them here, and make sure to mention Migration App in the text.

For more complex requests that would benefit from providing screenshots or other attachments, submit them to support@egnyte.com. Be sure to include Migration App in the email title. The Support team will push your comments to the Product team for consideration.


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