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How do I access the Storage Sync settings page?

If you love Storage Sync, try Smart Cache, Egnyte's next-gen hybrid technology. Egnyte has been investing heavily in Smart Cache -- it combines the performance and scalability of Storage Sync with intelligent caching technology, single drive letter, global file locking, and much more. Learn more here.


Once the Storage Sync application is installed, you can access the Storage Sync interface at http://<StorageSyncIPAddress>:8806. You can learn how to find the IP address in the Start Storage Sync section of the Product Guide (VMware or Hyper-V) for steps.  

Enter the admin username and password if prompted and you will be presented with the Storage Sync UI.

Alternatively, you can log in using the egnyteservice account. The password for this account is set up during the initial configuration.


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