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Egnyte iOS App for Intune v8.24.1

Egnyte iOS Mobile App v. 8.24 (for Intune) | Release Date: November 23, 2023

Microsoft Intune SDK Update to Version 18.1.2

The Egnyte iOS App for Microsoft Intune has been updated to version 18.1.2 of the Intune SDK for iOS which contains important fixes.

Features Added

The iOS for Intune App has been brought up to parity with the latest version of the Egnyte iOS app and its users will now have access to the following features:

PDF Page Editor

The PDF Page Editor enables users to

  • Add pages to existing PDFs
  • Import pages from other documents directly into the PDF
  • Extract pages from PDFs to create a separate document
  • Rotate, rearrange, delete, and duplicate pages when needed.

The Page Editor can be accessed by tapping on the Edit button in the right lower corner of the PDF preview screen, followed by selecting the PDF Page Editor icon as shown below

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Project Folder Creation

Administrators and Power Users with Owner permissions or the “can manage projects” role can now create Project Folders or convert existing folders to Project Folders in the iOS for Intune application. To create a new Project Folder tap on the “+ Create or upload'' button and from the context menu select New Project Folder. Fill in the Project Details form on the next screens, set the status, choose the project start and end dates, add the address (if relevant), and tap Save.

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Project Settings

All Project Folder Settings including the name, logo, ID, description, timeline, smart upload folder, and address can now be accessed and manipulated in the iOS for Intune app. Users with the right role or permissions can also unmark folders as projects. To access Project Settings, navigate to the project folder, and from the three dot menu, select Project Settings.

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DXF File Preview

Customers whose pricing plan includes the AEC Package will now have the possibility to preview AutoCAD DXF files in the iOS for Intune app. The preview is generated automatically when the file name is tapped on in the listing view. Once the file is opened, the user can use pinching to zoom it in and out and the hand and orbit controls to move and turn around the object on the screen.

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User Management on Mobile

Administrators and Power Users with the right level of permissions are now able to manage domain users from within the Egnyte for Intune mobile app. They can perform the same user management actions that are available in the WebUI such as adding new users, changing user types, changing passwords and usernames, and deactivating and deleting users. User management is available in the Menu tab via Settings.

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Issues Addressed

  • Fixed the issue with opening password protected Microsoft Office files.


Egnyte for Intune version 8.24 can be downloaded from the AppStore

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