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Miscellaneous Improvements in WebUI

Product: WebUI v81.6.0 & UI v1.209.0  Release Date: October 26, 2023  

Escalations and Key Issues Addressed 

The learn more link from search dropdown does not open any page

There was an issue with the link “Learn more about the search” available on the search dropdown on Web UI where it was not opening any page when clicked by the user. This issue has been addressed.

Issues with sorting on the Tasks & Workflows page

There was an issue with the sorting order of workflow tasks where the sorting order was getting automatically reset to system default even when the user had set his/her preference. This issue has been addressed.


Additional Information and Resources  

 The current release contains a few improvements to existing functionality.

  • Minor performance, security and stability improvements
  • Minor logging and UI improvements
  • Minor bug fixes
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