Any user of the Migration App.
Creating a New Job
If you have a connected Agent, you can now create a migration job that will run using that Agent.
Start from the Migration Dashboard, and click one of the blue buttons to Create New Job. This will present the Create New Migration Job modal.
Start by giving your job a name.
Setting the Source Folder Path
For the Source Folder Path, you can type the path manually, copy and paste the UNC path from the source, or you can use the User Interface to choose the folder from the directory.
Scanning The Source
Before you can use the UI to pick your source folder, Migration App needs to first understand the folder structure on the source, so an initial high-level scan is required from the Agent. This can be done from the Migration Dashboard or from the Create New Migration dialog.
To initiate a scan of a connected Agent from the Migration Dashboard, under the context menu (3 dots), select Scan Source.
You will be offered a dialog box displaying all the mapped drives connected to the host where the agent is installed. Select one or all available drives and click Scan.
While the scan is in progress, it displays the status on the Agent details as Running.
Once the scan has finished, the completion time is displayed on the Agent details.
On the Create New Migration Job dialog, you can hover over the information icon and see when the source was last scanned.
Clicking Scan Source from this dialog brings up details about all disks on the source, and allows you to rescan, or to initiate a scan if none had previously been run on any of the available disks.
Once a scan has been completed, on the main dialog you may click Select in the Source Folder Path field, which brings up a list of folders.
You can navigate down as many levels as desired through the folder structure.
After picking a folder and clicking Select, you will be returned to the main dialog with the Source Folder Path prepopulated.
The maximum number of folders the Source Scan can accommodate is 500K. If the source contains more than 500K folders, the Source Scan will fail, and an error message will display. In such a case you must manually enter the Source Folder Path.
Setting the Destination Folder Path
For the Destination Folder Path, you can either type the path manually, starting with /Shared or /Private, or you can click Select to choose the folder from the directory.
Clicking Select brings up a new dialog box that presents the directory on the destination domain. Note that under Private, you will only be able to see folders that you have write access to.
Navigate down to any child folder level and select the folder you want to target. You can see in the example below that the selected folder “data” appears in bold face. When you have identified the folder desired, click Select.
Now on the Create Job modal, the path you selected is displayed. You also have the option to append that path with another child folder name. If that folder does not exist, the migration job will create it. In the example below, we appended the path with “abc.” When you have the path you want, click Create Migration Job.
Known Limitations
- Currently, we have identified a delay in displaying the directory whenever there are a large number (thousands) of folders to display. This will be addressed in a future release.
Questions? Feature Requests? Other Feedback?
If you have feature suggestions or requests, feel free to submit them here, and make sure you mention Migration App in the text.
For more complex requests that would benefit from providing screenshots or other attachments, you may submit them to Be sure to include Migration App in the email title. Our Support team will push your comments to the Product team for consideration.