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Save or Schedule Audit Reports

Administrators have the option to schedule audit reports to run after a certain interval to save time and ensure reports never get missed. These admins can also save the audit reports. This is especially helpful if you regularly need to reuse a set of common criteria when creating an audit report. In this article, we'll walk you through saving a report, scheduling it, and how to find these audit reports. 


Save an Audit Report

Schedule an Audit Report

Archive Reports

Additional Information



Admins can view previously saved or scheduled reports and create new ones from the Saved & Scheduled Queries tab in the Audit section of the Reports Center.

From here, there are two ways to save or schedule an audit report. First, Admins can create a new report query from the Saved & Scheduled Queries section by clicking + Add and selecting the desired report type.


Alternately, Admins can save or schedule a completed report from its results page by clicking Save/Schedule Query.



Save an Audit Report

If you use the + Add button from the Saved & Scheduled Queries section, you'll have to create a report from scratch using the report creation form. If you've already run a report with the desired attributes, you can navigate to the report and click the Save/Schedule Query button. Egnyte will display a report creation form that has been pre-filled with the parameters used by the completed report.



Once the report creation form has been filled out, choose Disabled from the Schedule drop-down and the report query will simply be saved.

Schedule an Audit Report

If you use the + Add button from the Saved & Scheduled Queries section, you'll have to create a report from scratch using the report creation form. If you've already run a report with the desired attributes, you can navigate to the report and click the Save/Schedule Query button. Egnyte will display a report creation form that has been pre-filled with the parameters used by the completed report.


Once the report creation form has been filled out, choose Enabled from the Schedule drop-down. You'll be able to designate the report to run daily, weekly, or monthly.

For weekly reports, you can specify which day the report should run. Similarly, with monthly reports, you can choose what day of the month the report will be run on.



When scheduling a report, make sure to configure the time period for which events should be analyzed. You can choose from four common date ranges: Last day, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, or Previous calendar month.

Example: If you select Every week for Run and Last day for Analyze, a report will be run every week on the day selected that looks at data from the last day only. Typically, the Run and Analyze options will have the same value.

Adjust any other report parameters as needed, and click Submit to schedule your report query.

Archive Reports

Egnyte will save the reports for 3 months before they are purged from the system. If you would like to save the audit reports for an extended period of time, you can manually archive the reports as needed by clicking the Archive button within the report.



If the Archive saved audit reports option enabled on your domain, reports will automatically be moved to an archive folder after 30 days. You can verify this setting is enabled by going to the  General tab of the Configuration settings.


You'll be presented with a confirmation screen to verify that the report will be removed from the Reports tab and will be saved as a CSV file to a new folder within Egnyte. Click Archive to confirm.


Additional Information

Run Query Now

Saved or scheduled queries can be run at any time from the Saved & Scheduled Queries section by clicking the gear icon next to a report and choosing Run Query Now.



Recently Generated & Upcoming Reports

When viewing a scheduled report in the Saved & Scheduled Queries section, you can see details on recently generated reports and upcoming scheduled reports. Simply click on the + icon next to the report.


Every time a scheduled report is generated, Egnyte will send an email notification to the admin who created the report. If the creator is no longer active or has lost access to reports (for instance, due to being downgraded to a power user without the Manage Reports role), the main admin of the domain (usually the person who registered the domain) will receive those notifications instead. Currently, there is no option to enable notifications for additional users.


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